Work In The Legislatures
hr'iUN(;KlKt,l, Jan. 81. - The state sonate made special order Cor next Tuesday .■ joint resol ution deploring the death of Hon. K L. McDonald, uf Jacksonvllle. The blll for the Anna insumí asylum wus advanced to third reading; also the military appropriatlon blll. A resolution wus adapted for thu statu to present a, set uf Illinois huw Reporta to Uu moerland county toreplacö n set burned. Bartling's strike resolution sent to oommlttee. The amendnicnta of the house to tlio park and boulevard fund blli were coneurred in. Adjourned In the house the spoaker got the rulos changed 80 that he could mak", additions to 8evoral committees, having overlooked certain iiHerests in his list. A petition was flled l'roni Aurora asking the au thorization of kindergartens in the public schools. A few bilis were introduced and the house :vdjourned.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News