Arbitration For Wisconsin
M'ADISON, Jan. 31. - Senator MeGUlivray introducid a bilí provlding for arbitrutlon to èrid labor suits, and also a bilí to próvido a way to settle disputes between neighbors r business men. It provides for the aleotion of three arbitrators at the spring election, to whom all civil and private luw suils sliall be llrst reforred. The circuit oourt is to take jurisdiction of no such casos uniil tliey have been bef ore the arhitraturs. 'l'hayer introiluccd a bilí amendiriK Dhe lavvs rulatnif? to the bureau of labor statistios iiinkin it au electlvt) 0ffi!0. In the assembly Hatremeister introduoed a lill imposlng a flne of Í23 or imprisonnient for thirty days for killing a boming pigeoo and a fine of fe5 or iiuprlsonment for olnety days for detalnlng u boming plgeofl. ïbe commtttee on legislative expenditure reportad favorably on the resolution to cut olT nuw business on Feb. lii. The rulos wen; suspended and the resolución adopted.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News