piula] ■S Miss Della Stevens, of Boston. Mass.. j s; SSivvrites: I have alway-s sufïered from:; hereditary Scroíula. íor which I tried g; = various remedies, and many rellabïe L=L = 'physicians, butnone relieved me. Af ter E; S? I taking 6 boules of ,====a 35 I am now well. I HVaSlSH --rj hoi very grateful iHB V '. íto you, as I feel J J Jl 1 . that it saved me l""fc""=1 from a Ufe of untold agony, and shall S: jitake pleasure in apealdng only words S of praise for the wonderful medicine, g: g and in recommcuding it to all. ' -?=■ Treatlse on Blood M YHf 3 ittDdmsiM'e8 1)U nll í SjsWIFT SPEC1F1C COMPANY.ig g ATLANTA, OA. S
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