Harness, fur robes, blankets and horse clippers, also patent steel whips at the fowest prices, at Fred Theurer's, 12 W. Liberty St. tf. Another Great Shoe Sample Sale. Saturday, Feb. 2, is the opening day of the greatest sample shoe sale ever held in Ann Arbor. You can see by our bilis and telegrams we have bought the eniire sample lines of the C. E. Smith and Grant Goodrich Shoe Co. 's at 50c on the dollar, consisting of 8,236 pairs, and will close them out at one-half price. This means a $5 shoe tor $2.50, a Si shoe for 50c. All goods guaranteed as represented. All we ask of you is to cali and see our goods. Prices will sell them. MORE IÍARGA1NS. W. L. Douglas $3.00 shoe for $2.25; men's feit and rubbers worth #2.25, to close $1.75; first-class sock rubbers worth $1.25, to close, 85c; men's buckle arctics, 8j;c; misses' rubbers, 19c; men's rubbers from 48c to 75c. All goods at cüt prices. Cali and see bargains. Look for Blue Front. Chicago Cut Prick Shoe House, 20 N. Fourth Ave., near Arlington Hotel.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News