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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. ti' OH SALE- 4 houses; one for $4,00(1, one for 12,800; 13 Ingalls st.,$2.5Oü; new tirlck house Í2.450; lot with collar on ö. Thayer, íl,200. In(lUireS í). A lien, 90 E. Washington st. FOlllNl)- A srey houna carne to my place Saturday, January 12. Owner can recover by callinu' and paying 'for ttris uotiee. O. B. Schatter, Dexter road. 3tl' FOK SALE OK KENT.- Larse new nouse wlth al] modern improvements, cistern and city water in house, and welt uuur door. Will take in part payment small house or lots orsmall farm nearclty, balance on loog time and low interest. P. ü. Box 1845. FOK SALE.- S acres on Chubb St. in acre or Hve acre lot-s or all toüther. Lon;; time, sinall payment, 6 per cont intereet. Jas. H. McDonald, 42 Moffat Building. Detroit, Midi. LOST.-Ncar Athtetic Gi-ounds, on Satunlay, January 19, Ladies' Shopping Bag, coutalning somc mouoy, tickets for watch and spectaclos at Wm. Arnold'R and soms other irticles. Finder' return to Aroold's Jeweiry Store, 86 South Main Street, and receive reward. MAN Wanted; galary and expenses. Per inanenl place; or part. time Apply at once. Hiown Bros. Oo., Nurserymen, Chicago. ÍJOTICE- T .1. W. Bennett, proprietor of ' Dexter House, Dexter, have operied up rny barn and will run astrictly first-class feed barn in connection with hotel. Will bt glad to see old customers and lots of new ones, and satisfaction guaranteed. An experienced horseman in attendance. tf POULTKY wanted- marke price paid for all kinds of Poultry, at the corner of Fifth andSummitStreets. O. C. Weeks & Co., Ann Arbor. Kipans Tabules : a standard remed.v


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News