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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FOK SAL.E CHEAP- My house and lot oh the corner of Tra ver aud Pontiac stroets. in the Plfth wara of the City of Am Arbor A desirable looat.ion for wood or cpal yard. ïsy the side of T. &A. A. tracks. Willlam Aetioii. January 28, 181)5. ,. PIANO TUNING.-A. D Brown , the .welf known piano tuner with C. J.Whitiiey, wl be in the city soon. Orders left at the AWW office will reeeive his attention. ___ TO RENT.-At No. 20 S. State 8t. A flat of six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. SM WILL EXCHANGE afirst-class su,1)Stil "!,',;'' " roomy, open, singlo trawcy for haj, woon or cash. A. M. Clark 47 División si. WANTED-A MAN in every seotlon at once to sellstaplegoodsto ílealera; no oed dlln: experiijiioeuiinooessary; bestslüeiiBo. jrfi.ooá n,ont,h. Salaryami peuM orla9 íommission made. AdáreM. wltL il cem stamp for sealwl piirticulars. ClifLon toap" ManufactuiinK Coinpany, OlnclnnMl, umo. WANTRP.-Placeof flveorten W house and Dam. one 7J!'diBrtS?. from Ann Arbor city. liox .110, Mam "( Mich. . WANTED. -Good tenant for g2L?Jl! on Liberty et, near State. Terms rw-o able. Also Hats to rent, very desiraDU . quire 18 South State st. WANTED-A tenant to work my tarni on shares at Scio. Geo. A. Peter1_____ Place as wverness to clM W or companion, office work, o r olerK. dress Box IK!, Vpsihinti, or E. B. E., caref Argus. __ Ripans Tabules prolong ife.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News