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Argus Auguries

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Khjdy, Feb. 1- Choral Union concert in the Choral Union series, in Univorsity hall. Batürday, Feb. 2- G. A. Danion bef oro Engineering society, on "The Electrical Kquipmentofthe Northwest." gATOBDAY, Feb. 2- Alpha, Nu literary society meeting in the society hall. Saturday, Feb. 2- "Fabio liomani" and the Stereopticon Dance at the Ann Arnor opera house. Prices, 35, 5U aod 75c. Sünday, Feb. 3- Véry Rev. A. J. Morrisey. Presif'ent of Notre Dame University, will speak in St. Thomas' church in the évenlng. Bonday, Feb. 3- H. C. Mc Allaster in Presliyteriau church at la m. on "The Glimpsi.-s of Nature and their Lessons" Sijnday, Feb. 3- Mr. Geo. E. Dawson in M. E. church at 12 m., on "The Problem of TuiplatioD as Treuted in Literaturt;, with Special Keference to Faust's Temptaöon." Sbnday, Feb. 3- Memorial services In M. B. church at 7:ÜU p. in., in honor of Mis. Marv T. Lathrop, by W.C. T. U. Scnday, Feb. 3- Rev. E. Adams, in Newberry hall at 9:15, on "Pioneer Missions in lowa.'J Monday, Feb. 4- J. V. Sheehan before Unity Club, on "cSights and üxperiences in Kurope." Monday, Feb. 4- Alba Hevwood in 'Eds-'ewood Folks," at Ann ArDor opera house. Kbiday, Fkb. 8- Ann Arbot city repubicun ward caucuses. Wednksday, Fkb. 13- Prohibition convention in Court House at 1 o'clock. Fb. 11 and 12- Ann Arbor Lightlofantry entertainment at Grand opera house. Tbesday, i'eb. 12- Kepublicancounty conven" tion ii court House, 11 o'clock a. m. Thübsday, Feb. H- üdd Fellows' baniuet at Palace rink. Fbiday, Feb. lö- Nineteenth annual hall of the traternites in Waterman gymnasium. Satükday, Feb. 16- President Talmage, oï Utah, in S. L. A. course, in University hall, on "tiome Phases of the Morman Questiou.'' Thübsday, Feb. 21- Mr. and Mrs. Max Heinnch eonif recital [n Choral önion series. C'hanged trom March S.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News