Mis. Ueorge L. Moore has returned from a two week's' visit in Cleveland. Prof. M. E. Cooley has been in Battle Creek this week. J. I). Ryan was in Adrián Tuesday. Mrs. G. W. Johnson and Miss Mabel A. Gage are spending a week in Lansing. Miss Lena Michael has returned from Orlando, Florida. Mrs. L. M. Palmer gives a ladies' reception this afternoon from three to six o'clock. Mark Muisan, of Kalamazoo, is the guest of L. M. Jones. Dr. Palmer, of St. Johns, is visiting friends in the city. George Mc Kean, of ühio, has been visiting his father-in-law, John Moore. Dr. Conrad Georg returned Tuesday from Massachusetts. Judge E. D. Kinne was in Adrián Tuesday. Rev. Henry Tatlock was in Jackson yesterday. Dr. J. A. Dell was in Detroit yesterday. John F, Lawrence, Ksq., was a Detroit visitor yesterday. Mrs. Lola H. Allen, who has been visiting at her father's, B. J. Conrad's, has returned to Chicago. Judge N. W. Cheever is in Bay City. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ives, of Stockbridge, visited at M. W. Blake's, VVednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Clark have returned from Germany where they spent the past year, and are at the home of Mrs. Clark's father, Mr. J. V. Knight. Mrs. ü. M. Martin and Mrs. ütis Haven gave a very handsome reception at the home of Mrs. Martin, VVednesday afternoon. Miss Elizabeth Smith, of Bufïalo, is visiting Mrs. Conrad Georg. Mrs. Gleason is visiting at the home of her father, Mr. Wm. K. Childs on Maynard street. Mr. and Mrs. Gleason wiil make their future home in Cleveland. A very pleasant reception was held at the residence of Col. and Mrs. Dean, Thursday afternoon and evening.