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High School Notes

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The A. T. O. fraternity give a hop at Granger's tonight. There were no meetings of the literary societics lat week. They were postponed on account of the S. C. A. social. School closed yesterday. The final arrangements tor the junior exhibition are being made today. There were no chapel exercises Tuesday. The time was used in classifying for next semester. The following seniors have been appointed by the president of the class, to act as ushers tomorrow evening: Messrs. Brown, Day, Fox, Gilbert, Kidder, Mack, Ohlinger and Peterson. The S. C. A social, Friday night, at Newberry hall, was a success although the storm prevented a great many from attending. The program of the Arena for tonight, will be a preliminary debate on the question: Resolved, That the railroads should be owned by the government. This is the question to be debated at the joint meeting of the Clio and Arena. The debaters for the joint debate will be chosen. About twenty-five appeared at Prof. Perry's office, Saturday evening, to attend the sleighing party to M. F. Case's, in Pittsfield. During the evening the wind had drifted the snow so badly that several times the sleighs were overturned. They did not reach their destination until quite late. The drivers refused to return that night, so the party did not start home until daylight Sunday morning, and reached Ann Arbor about 10:30. The following is the program for the junior exhibition, to be given tomorrow evening in the chapel: MuSic. Prayer. Muele. Li8 Casas John Bradehaw, Ann Arbor Happy Accidents, Winif red Bogle, Ann Arbor Mirage Vera (Jhamberlain, Montpelier, ü An After Thought of Nature -- 8ara Campbell, Ypsllanti Mueic. Japaiu Louise M. Lau, Ann Aruoi A Modern Thermopylrt.-. Thomas J. Marshall, Port Clinton, O Dolt tourself Lulu V. Lusby, Ann Arbor International Arhitratlon - Partbenia Bykes, Ann Arbor Musió. Life's Pu-tures -liraoe L.Swindler.Ann Arbor An Imaíílnary VoyaKe.. ...irviiKí Vorheis. Whltmore Lake, Mich Henri de Tonti.. Charlotte Walker, Ann Arbor Kelt'ivuduru Hay Willoufirhby, Ann Arbor Hoste. BentfdictlOB.


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