eimE'siingwl Toilet articles, combs,, manicure sets, puft" boxes, powtler, hannless lotions lor the complexión, dyes, tooth powder and the hundreds of articles needed daily by those who believe it is a duty to make the most of nature's charms. We have the most complete stock. GOODYEAR S DRUG STORE. Ht-st Heer in the ('tv at Dietz's Bottling Works Wines, Liquors, Tobaoco and ('iynrs. 16 W. Washington St.. Ann Arbor. OSWALD DIETZ, Prop. KOAL OUDER YOUK COAL OF isAL. STAEBLEE. Offich: 11 w. Wfishlnjrton st.. 'Phone No. 8 Vahis: M. 0. U. K., 'Phone No. U. MWant Money? ora Home? Wan Work? or a Farm! Wiiut to opteti a store in a ttrowing townV Want mmmmm to ratse live storkV Want to know how to buy improred farras in a flB! we" s'';''''' i'cítion without pay[ UU ngoaeh? Particulars and publications sent free by F. I. W111T [ NKY.St. Paul, Minn. r K. WILLIAMS, Atiornw at Law ana Pension Claim Attoner. MILÁN. MICH. Conveyaneing and Collei'tiong. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Saturday, Feb. 2, '95 WALTER LAWRENCE and MISS ENGEL SUMNER Suppoitecl by a Good Company, IN Aiden Benedictas FABIQ ROMANI Living Picfures By the Greatest Ancient and Modern teis, ihe Latest Craze of hondón anl New ' Vork. AND THE FAMOU8 STKItEOFTICON ANI) SPANISH DANCKS. By Miss tí race Hun ter. PRICES: Reserved seats, 75c; Admis_ sion, parquette and firsi row in panjuette circle, 75c; parquette circle, 50c; gallerv, 35c. Reserved seats on sale at Waits' fewelry Store.
Ann Arbor Argus
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