IAItY F. SflLuEY, Dealer in FANCYGOODS&FNEMILLINERY Art Embroidery and Stamping CExccuteU with neatiiess, tate and dellcaoy. The flneflt fanoy gooda in Millineiy. Htax Malel i vi nn. a faahloBable trimmer, of aeknowledged aWU and fiimlllarty with tbc latest auü nio-t pprvoed incides, is with Mi8 Miley. ROOMS: 2O E. WASHINGTON ST., Ann Arbor. - - MichiK-nn. Hew Firniture Store OF CAMP BROTHERS, IMOALKUS IN Flirijihire and iJpholstering Fine Line óf Furniture in New Di'signs. New Patterns in Bed i-oom Suites never Shown Here Bef ore Special atteution to Fine Upholstery, and Repairing of al! kinds. 57 South Main Street. EmvAKD Cami. NobMan Camp. Pensions! Il f on want :i ï'pnaion, or ral Ing, Of any i miestion answci'jd In Pension or Patent cum'-write J I.. ÖTAÜKWEaTHKH, Attorney, Romeo, Mich, Mr. ÖtHrk'.vcaiher soonrcd over ton per -ii i . of all orlglnttl Pensiona allowed in Mlobigan for the month f August, 18H0; 503 allovred Del roil Ki Bi Pr Michigan ÍTentral " I he iïiagara Fallt Route." TIMBTABLB (Hé vfiëd) NOV: 18, 184. USOTKAL STANDARD TIME. flil : Í1 Ïl il i Ij U ISS irZZJ : ol ■cm '■ i Sa ' 3S g-i L a : : S "iS5 u w-yas?i o S258S : ;ñS mTs ga 4 1 ss ni&j as o. w I a a s ►i = ee JiHi ! i i S Ui -''■'■ ■ - W =. ; ■ ; ; a w ga : ; :sí . 2 jsa ; ; :as a I =5 : : : : : B 3 ; ; j : o. Ü5 Co ; : : jg a : ■ .35 SI aS : : : 8 x .-; c. : : : a misa: :!:.■ . s : : ;Lñ .SS - ss s : : ;sL jg O-r ; ■.■'2 .-iï- 3J . ! OOCi _. s a"" ag '. s a F i j i rïïT g á-éí ü i i i ;4 fe I ! ! k ! !1 I M O.W.EOQ8LKÖ H. W.HAYEB, ia P. T. (.hlcairo. Ag'tAnnA-or WANTED. Hickory-Tirnter! i I will pay $12.00 per cord, cash, for strictly íirst quality second growth Hickory Butte. amtable for Axe-Handles; deliveved at my shop. C. W. DICKINSON, Yysilantí 12-H 3 n.
Ann Arbor Argus
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