Bill Agreed Upon
Washington, Jan. 31.- The administración banking bilí will be reported to the house from the committee on banking and currency in a much amcnded form and with a non-committal reeommondation that it be Donsldered. The Kepublieans supported the bilí, after securinR everal amendinents; Indeed, most of the changos made orlglnated with tho opposition. Tho bilí will bo reportcd to the house tomorrow with the presidents message, and as the report will be neither for ot agalnst it every meraber has the prirllege of filing his views After tho vurious amendments had been disposed of a motion was marto. that the Carlisle bilí with thn state bank clause eliminated, be substituted for it This was lost-9 to 4- Black, Cobb, Cox and Hall- IVmcrats - voting for it, llou tho Vote Fioaliy Stood. A motion to report with the rocommondation that it do not pass was lost - luto 3. Cobb, Black, and Hall supported it, and the final motion that it be reported without any recommendation was carriod - 10 to 3 - Cobb. Black, and Hall in the opposition. Tho members vvho voted for tho last motion were: Springer, Sperry, Cox, Cobb, and Warner (Democrats); Walker, Brosius, Henderson, Kussell, and Háughen (Republicana) Tho amendments which the committec! have recommended to the administration bilí are as follows: The bonds, which by the original bilí were payuble íifty years after date, are made payable at ths pleasuio of the United 8tatos after ten years from the date of their issui! and aro ilue flfty years after date. To Prevent Contract ion of Cnrrency. The section whic.h requires tho legal tender notos and treasury notes when redeemed in gold to be cancellod and not rcissued is amended by adding tho following, offored by Hussell: "Providod, that tho amount of such United States notes which may be cancellcil and retired Bhall not exceed in the aggregato an amount equal to the additional circulation taken out by national banks af ter tho passage of tliis act." Section 3 of the act is amended by addlng on inotlon of Haaghen, the following: "And in Heu of all taxes every assoeiation shall pay to the treasury of the United States in the months of January and July, a duty of oneeighth of 1 per cent. eu;h half year upon the average amount of the notes issued to ifc by the cornpi roller of the currency." Two Se tions Strlokn Out. On motion of Brosiua the fourth section of the bill which prov.des that national bank notes of less denomination than $10 shall be retired and cancelled and an equal amount in denominations of $10 and upward shall be issued in their places, and that silver certifleates now outstanding larger than $10 should be ro tired and the silver oertificates of denominations of li'ss than $10 should be issued in their stead, was stricken out. On mooi Walker section 5, which requires duty on importa to be paid in gold coin only, was striokon out. Cash Jteserve of IJanks. Walker's aniendmeni relating to bank cash reserves, outlintd yesterday in these dispatches. was adopted, and on motion of Warner section 6 was amended so as to próvido thnt so inuch of all laws and parts of laws as limit the amount of lawful iiidiioy which inay bo deposited during any calendar inonth for the purpose of withdrawing national bank circulation, cir whiuh prohiliit any national banking iussooiatio'i front roceiving any incroase of lts ciroultttion during the poriod of six niontli from tho time it shall havo made any deposit of lawful moncy for the purpose of withdrawing lts circulation. be repealed. Debate to Iieglu Jíext Montlay. Springer will requost tho committee on rulos to report a rule fixinpr a time for th debate to begin on Monday next, and authorizing tho chair at the close of debate to entertain amendmeuts on motions to substituto other bilis and allow thirty minutes' debate on each amendment. According to tliis plan the frec silver men and other luenibers with ilnanclal plunks will be enabled to secure a vote on their proposiMons.
Ann Arbor Argus
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