Amended The Olney Bill
Washington, Jan. .ti. - The rosult of the conference of labor representativos with the house labor coimnittee is tho amendment of tlio Olney arbitration bilt and an onler that it be favorably reported. The amendnients make tho oommtsalon oonslst of one pereon named by tho carrier or employer directly interested, the second by the labor organization to which tho employés directly interested belonj?, and the thiifd by these two. If they fail to choose tho iliird incmber Ín twentyfour hours then tho ehairman of the interstate commerco commission and tho ühainnan of labor are to chooso hila. This does away with the provisión making the ehairman of the interstate oommeroe commission i mcniber of tho oommission, as proposed by the attorney general. A nother important aiuendment adoptod by the commitltv strikes out section 10 of the attorney generáis bilí, which gives that official siuthority in a eontroversy of Buch magnitude as to prevent tho operation of a ruilroml, if surisned tliat it cannot be udjosted by arbitration, to ule a bilí in equity to prevent the commission or continúame of tlio public niischief caused or threatened, and to ask for the appointment of receivers of the property of the carrier pending tho cttlemont of the eontroversy. Other amendments provide that employés dissatisfled with the award of the arbitration commiesion shall not by r son of such dissatisfactian (juit the ' vice of omployer without glvinf thirty I days' notico, nor shall the eraployer [ B!itislk.l with ch awartl dismiss employés bef ore tli rep, montha aftef nmklng the av;inl. nor without thlrty dayg' Dotico in , wriliiig; the ;iv;ir.l sljll continuo in fon-e for tino year iind no new arbitra! iQ on i thoi8aiji Bubjee! -hail ba had üuiíi the ' expiration of LWs yi.-;ir-.
Ann Arbor Argus
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