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Warrant For Norton's Arrest

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BnooKLTN, Jan. 31 -A wnrrnnt for the arrest of President Benjamín K Norton, of the Atlantic Railroad compnny, for violation of üeotton 5ü'.l of the laws of 1887, was issued by Judgo Walsh. The eomplainants - Jeremiah Desmond, James Duyer, and (íeorge Layton, formo employés of the Atlantic. Avenue Railroad oompnDy - aliene that President Norton compelled them tei work over ton hours a dny. An application for a pereinptory writ o( mandamna apon tlio Atlantic Avenue Hiilro;ul cumpaity t.o compnl tho running of cara in niannvr to meet tho requlrementa "f the publio was filed in tho supremo court. The (omplainant in this action ia James O'Connoll, bottler of mineral waters. The application alleorea th:it tho Corporation is not provented bv natural elemeuts or by armed invasión from oporatin its unes, but it is sacrificing the interests and convenienoe of the public in prosee u ti ii g war with its foriner employés. Brooklyn lookeil moro Hko itself yesterday than at any time sinco tho strike commenoed. With the exceptioti of tho soldiors at the depots, the extra policemen aloog the lines, and the special oflieers on the oars, there was litt.In to indícate the turmoil aml troublo that. lias been Koii'K on for nearly threo weeks, 'l'here was nu Hoting, and but little wiro Cuttlng A pieco of gas pipe that looked liko a bomb was found hy the pólice nú put in water pending Investigatlon.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News