Until Death
! Melca mo no vowa of oonstanr-y, my friend, To love me, though I die, the wholo lifelonfj And lovo no othcr till fchy days shall end - Nay, it were fash and wrong. I It would not mako me sloep more peacefully Th:it thoO vert wasting all thy Ufe in woe fOT iny poor sako. What lovo thon hast for m( Bestow it ere I go! Carve not apon a stone whon I am dsad The pruist's which rcmorscful mourners givt To wonion" graves - a tardy recompense - But gptLk them while I live. Hoap not thy heavy marble on my bead To sl.ut awny the sunshine and the dew. Let sií;:'.11 blixm therc, and let Rrawiíl '. ;!Yc. And raindrops filter througjh. Thou wilt meet many fairor und more gay Thnn I; bv.í, trust me, tliou canst never fir.c One who will love and serve thee night aiul ü} Witb a more single mind. Forget me wlira I die! The violeta Abovo my reut will blossom just as blue, Nor mi:is thy tears- e'en Nature'aself forgeta, But whilo I lvc be truc!
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News