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""%, " V C ( iU Offer a } ET Life of ( 3 lLÜUJ M %Këïl And ( ff L YVW Child. 3 5 "MOTHERS' FRIEND" Rots confinement of its Pain, Horror and ) S Risk, as man; testify. Q u My wife used only two bottles. S She was easily and quickly relieved; f is now doing splendidly. - S J. S. MORTON, Harlow, N. C. C f BtBtbyflxpnMor mail, on raoclpt of prtce, J N II. per bottle. Sol.l tv atl L'ruirtfixtB. Book f "To Muthers" mailed free. x S BBiBimB UKCI'LATOK CO., AtlantR, Ga. TURKORINE. Tt is the only positive cure forGonorrlum. Thi ereut remedy, foryearea secret to the worlil at larce.used excluslvely li_ the Turks the ]reecriptlon bei1 obtaiDOd by U8 at rt larce expen-e froni tlio Doctora ui tbc Saltan, wlll posltiveiy oure Qonnrrbea and Gloei in any stau;e in (rom three to ten duys, and wlH nol prOuUOS si i it-lure. li.SH'i chsch s its record for the past ycar, and not u si gle failure. In orderlng Incloee íl and 15o in stamp to puy postanc. Kor tree in loriimtiiui gend Se stamp. All corresnonileiu-e strictly contident ial. Nortli American Chemical Co., 21 Bennett BuildinR, Detroit, MichiKan, V. S. A. Commlssioners' Notice. STATU OK MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw. The undersfoned hrivtas bd#Bft.ppointed hv the Probate Court for s.iid Countv, Com. missioncrs to reccive, examine and adjast alí claimt and (Iemands of :ill persons ftgafaat the estáte oí iMiut'l D.miivaii, inte of said Countv, deceased, hereby jjivc notice th;i1 sïx tnonths from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for crditors to present thoir claimt ayainftt the estáte of said de ceascd, and that thev will meet at the late ipniilcnc f said decensed, iu tli" townshipof Northfleld, in uid County, on the aad d-iy of April and on the 2d day of July next, at ten o'clock A. M.ofeach f saiH davs, tb reccive, examine and adjnst said laims. Duted, Januarvaa 18Hfi BERN Min MURPVY, IïuWAHD CAÍ1ILL. Cominissioiitrs. Estáte of Ellei) O'Hara. OÏATK OK MICHIGAN. 0OUNTY Cj of U'itnhtenaw. as. At a sossion of the Probnf yOiirt fr th' O'untv of Washtenaw, holdi n at lh 'róbate Otlicit In thfl City ot Ann Arior, on T tcSCtay, lbo 'd day of .lannary, ín yt-ftT 0D6 rbousaxtd Ivlii hundred and wnety-flT. Preaont.J.Willant linbbitt. Jiidge nf Probate. iii tbf mntter of tïie estáte of Ellen O'Hara, 1 ucease cl. On readlnit and film;; the petltton duiy verififd ot ïllen Walsbf prH 1 11 that the udministialon of said eslate raay be gntnted to James V;iK 1 , or ome otbtr Buttáb] peiíon. Tlieroiipoi it 'h ordered, lUhi Moudav , 'hf 8th (íiiy of Fubrna1 y ne.xt, at ton o'clock n the fortnoon. aHÍt' ned for the hearing of faid petition, 'incl lint the heirs il law of laid decpft' 'I and aM other peraontIntdrested in laid Putate. ave rcquired tn ajipeaT at a MSston oJ sftid lotirt, thn to lf bolden at the Probate Office, in ihe otv if Ann Arbor, and ehow Cattf . If anj the be, wby theprayer of the p t tipnr shoul nrtbp granfced: And it la furtber qrdered, th:ii i-I petiiioner glve notico to thepenmim inlerete1 In mid asíate o( th pendeucy oi said pention, aud Ih1 lieftriatt tbercnf, ovcattsinií a eopy of thw wier to puhiishnd in the Ann rïiou Aiu)ti h up--.pHp print Jrt and circul.u.d in tiaid County, tb ree iiucceaslT week nrevloua to all day of Dnriiii J. WU.I.AHt H MlliriT, [A true copTj fe of PrabaVf WlU.IAM G. OOTY, lrnh ;■ ' ■ -.U-' Si -, W'S -si ÖOtSR, ', 0hMKï1 M' PhW1 PiHUTÍlt, irildiii)?. cHlciminidy, irlazMv .i'i'l iit mui inff. Ailworkin in ili nt nVto vnrruritcd to nvi naIsfafttion Af whw I vCÉI - I ItÜiURÍDMlMUSBlillIIftiCíítUBlfllIÍJIIHI'-Wl íáfP Mild &LTRA.FltlC THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CGHPfiHY. SUCCESSDR. T NEW YORK USA. f ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CICARETTE Hm ftood the Test of Time MORESOLDTHAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINEO A GAAND OFFER! CDCEf MME.A. RÜPPERT'S irnCSbFACEBLEACH s-ttVT MME. A. RUPPERT s9 t5i Böyfl: "J iippreclate thefuct '%}& ,L$kt that there are mnny thouifs(i&,jM&iï& sandaoflodlesintheünlted ■iSStuiiLxXWBfxSB butesthütwouldliketotry i j." Hg Diy World-Kenowned KACB ■. ra F VA Ble.ach: but bavebeen MJtñr V'c kopt frum fldlng so on acM gjk countof price.wnlchif2,00 k2L m!& per bottleor 3bott)estaken JHnl Fiïèf topether, $5.00. In order opwjjaN-' He tlmt a" of tliese mny haTO l?sH[ w' an opportunity, I wlll glve Sfip fc' to every culler, absolately - Xree, a sumple bottle, and fU-. C 27nordertBU''P1ythoseoat 1fciS_ szr=Of city.or inany partof the world.lwlllsend Ibgafely paekedin plalnwrapper all charlees prepaid, for 25 cents, allver or Btamp." In everycaseof freckle, pimples. molh, sal. lowne88,blackhend8,acne,eozenia,olllnes8.roiiKhness, or any dlflCüloratUin or diHenweof the skin, and wrlnkles (not caused by facial expression) Facb Bleach removes absolutely. It doe not ooverup, as cosmetics do, but i a curö. Addre&g HAVAHE A.. KTJPPERT.(D!pt.O.) No.ö Eastl4thSt., NEW YORK CITYCAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Foja prompt answer and an boneet opinión, write tq M II N N & CO., who have had nearly flfty years' expericnce In the patent business. Commmiloatlonsstrlctly confidcntlal. A Ilnmluook of Information concerninR Pntenls and bow to obtaln them sent free. Also a catalogue oí mechanica! and scientlflc books pont free. Patenta taken throuKb Munn & Co. recelve special notlco In the Scirntiflc Amerirnn. and tbuB are broiight widely beforethe public wltbOnt cost to tue Inventor. This splendid paper, lssued weekly, eleiantly Illnstrated. has by far the largest circulation of any scientlHc work in tne world. S:{ a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edïtion.monthly, 2.50a year. 8IHKle copies, 'Í3 cents. Bvery number contmns beautiful plates. In colors, and photoeraphB of new houses with plans, enabünR builders to show the latest desiras and secure contracta. Artrtress MUiNN CO, NEW YOKK, 3ül Buoaijway.


Ann Arbor Argus
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