Real Estáte tor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN COÜNTY of Washtonaw- S8. I ti the matter of the estáte of .luue Nelson, leoeased. Nol irc is hereby triven that in purniutnceof in order granted ipth? nnder&ijxuvd aüuiiniratorof che estáte ol -;iii deceased by tlie Ion. Judge ot Probate för the County of Washtenaw, on tho isth flay nf December A. D. 1884, there ill -e gold :t public vendue, ei the bigbesl bidder, i he (tast frunt door uf the oourr house, in the city of Aim Arlior, la the Couniy of WashteDaw; iii s,ini State, on the !Stb day ol Pebrusry, A I). lMfi. at te i'clook In the forenoon of that dtiy isubject u ill .'neuiiilirances by noibrigage or otlterwlft ■ v. i r-t i ut the time of tlu' (ii'aih of said deseased) tbe followlng desorlbod roul o.state, io-wit : Itcifinnitif :it the iKirth-wopt cOD6r of lot imnibcr tour, ui bloOK number t-U ven, in HwOOOk'a additton to the city of Ann Arbor, icoordlng n the eoorded plat thereof. thenoo louth OD ttu1 wesi Imo of siiid lot eiííht rodu, thence east three rods and twelve fi et, theuoe north parallel wltb ttrst line of Hiscock Btreot, tiicni'i weel three rod and twelye fet to the plaoe of liefinninK. Dated Januan '■. 1895. I.EONHAIU) (HCNKK, Administrator. Mortgage Sale. WBERBAS DBPAÜLT HAS HEEN MADE In the tciiiisiif pnyment of a cortain mortifiigi' gtren on the slxteentb day of April A. u, au, by John N. Hum and 8 lm Ira T. Hunt, hia wife, of liridi;eva' er, WashU'iiaw Oounly. Miuhiirnn, to James Kehoe, of tbe saine plaoe, whirh mortgage is ot record 1b the Itejflster of Uecii:, office for s.iid i'ounty ot Waghtenaw, In llber 7, on page 280, on tho elghteentli day Of April. A. D. li.'. And bereae the amount claimed to be duo on s;ui mortffftge at ttit date hereot' 1m th sum of six hundred elffhty-nlne and B4-I0 dollar of principal and interest, and the further sum ol twenty-flve dolían hs an attornej foestlpulateii tor in said mortaffe, atid whioh is the wliole iimouiit claimed to 06 düe upon said morrgage, and no suit or procoedinffs having been instltutod to rooover tho debt s cured by said morrjeaire or auy part thrroof whereby the power of salo in said mortgage haB become operative. Now, thereiore noti(e Is hereby piven that by virtuo of said powor of sale and in pursuance of the siaiute in such case made and provlded, the said mortgace will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises thoroin depcribed at public auction to the hin lust bidder at the rront door of the court house, in tho city of Mi ii Arbor, 'n said couuty of Washtenaw, na tho twênty-third day of February neit at one o'cloek in the aftetnoon of that day; which said premi-es are dcscrlbed In snlJ mortnage as follows: being in tho ïownsbis of Hridrewater, VVaehtenaw county, Michigan, and beints the east half of the east half of the south-west quarter of sectlon twontyseven, in town of ranite four east. and contalning torty acres of land. Dated December 6, 1894. JAMES KEHOE, WALTEK 0. nUKUIDGR, Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgagee. Notice to Credltors. OTATE OF MICIIKiAN, COUNTY ui" Washtermw , . N"l ui is lu-rt by tfiveu, that by an order of the Pröhitê Oourt for the Countv of Wttshtenaw, made on the founeenth dajr uf Januarv A. Ü. 1HH5, six months trom thai. (íato were allowed tur iTMlitn: t pn'sent their l:iinif agamst the ettatti o! Binlly ],, ïanci-r, lateof öHid countdscoanediauri 1 ■! 1 ereóiton uf said deceaseil aic requiroit to present tbetr fluim o said Probate Court , at 'Ik: Probate Otile in the city oí Aun Arbor, for oxamination and allownnce, on or beforc tht fifteenth dny "f .Inly, next, and iluu Micli claims wiil be houd beforo Mií court. on the üfteenth day ol April, and on tlio ttftecnili 'l.iy of July oext, ai ben o'otook in Líití forenuou of eeh ui Hi(i dayn. Dated. Ann Arbor, Janunry 15, A. IV 189 il. ). WILLAHD KAliBHT, Judifpnf Probaie. Estáte of Lydia Suiherland. OTATE OF MICIIIUAN, COUNTY of Wasiitciiaw. P8. At u session of the Probate Court for the C'ount y of Wntthtenaw, holden ut the Vrubate Offit-e in the city of Ann Arbor, on Moiiday. the 241 h da ot DtctmluT, m the yeuronc thouMDQ eiglit huudrctl ana nincty-four. Present,.!. Willani Habbitt. Judjre oí Probate In the orntter t the estáte ot Lydia MUherland.decubsed. Grtbriella E. Suibcrland, f xcoutrix of (he lant wiljaml testumehtol Ntlson Sutlurlanti dccenst-d, comes into courtrtini rfpreseni iht she inow prepartii to rentier the flnfti account of said Nelsou Miih rland as executor of the laut will an4 it-ï;unert of said Lydia -MUherland, dtceasid. Tuereupon it iHorieied ihui Tucwlay the 51b day of Fehruary next, at len o'clockld tht' tirenoon, be nssigned (or 6xaruiiiin and uIIowíds sucb account and tb ut the ilcvisees.lega tees and neim-atlaw i nul ileceabed, and til) other percons ii)trcted in Siii3 estáte, are required to nppear at a aesion of 8ad court, ilu-n to be bolden at tbt Probnto ofHce, ir the city of Ann Ar or, in Miid county and ehow canse, if any tbere be why tha nád account should 11 ot he ttllowed. Aiid U is lurther ord rd that eaid cxecuirix RÏve notice to the persons i nterested in said vb ta te, of th peiidency of Buid acenuntand the hearing tbreuf, by cauëing a copy or tbia order to be published iu the Ann Arbor Arg-iiB, a newspaper priut d and circula ing in sud county, three aucecabi e week preious to faid da ot heiring. J.WILLARD BARFilTT. Judgeof P robat. (A truecopy.) Wilham Cï. Doty. Probate Register. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ÍO of Washtenaw, bs. Notice is hcrehy ivcn, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Wnshlenaw, made on the aSth dny of December, A. D. 18i4, six munthH froin that dato were allowed for creditorn to present iheir clnima against the estáte of Nflson Hutherland, Inte of BHid county. deceased, and that all reditors cf said deceased are [equirea to present theircIaimRt said Probate Court, at the Probate Oflicc in the city of Ann Arbor, forexaminaiion and allowanoe, on or before the aSth day of June next, an4 (hat nuch clalniB will bc heard before said Court nn the atb day of March. and on the aita dny of June next, at teu o'clock in the forenoon ofeacb ot 8;iid days. DaUd Aan Arbor, December 28, A. D. 1894. J.WILLARD HAHtílTT, ludiré oí Probar Commissioners' Noice. STATE OK MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Waahtenaw. The undprslfrned havin( be appointed by the Probate Court for t.nid County, CommissionerH to r-ceive, examine and adji'it all claims nnd dcmands of :ill persons against th estáte ot' Richard Nowlund, late of snidCouDty, deceased, hereby give notice thal ix monthe from daieareallowed, hy order ol Buid Probate Court, for Creditora to present their claims agalnst the estáte of said decensed, and that they wil) meet st tlu resldonce of Jesse 8telTe, in the townsMp of Norlhüild in siiid county, on the 25 h day of Marcfc and on the ath da of June nexl, at toe o'clock A. M. of earh ot unid daye, to receive, examine and uljust said claim. Dated December 24, 1694. JOHN O'HARA, WM. BURLINOAME, Comtnissiorers. WOMAN'S Thls remed is a purely vegetable compound, and is (ruarmiti-i a to be a safe und sure curo tor all monthly lrre(?ularitios, and a general uterina tonic. It ie now uet?d by thousande of aftlicted adies In thib country. We are in'ecelptof hundreilsof testimoníala the virtue of thls remedy One trial will convince the most skeptical as to lts worth. Pricell.OO; bf mail ïl.lü. North American Chemical Co., 21 Bennett liuilding. Detroit, Mlch, Estáte ot Anna Sangree. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wash0 tenaw, ss. At a seseion of the Probat Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office ín the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedneday, the lui li day of January, lm the year one thou and clgbt hundred an4 ninety-nve. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. lu the matter of the estáte of Anna Sangree, deceased. Alfred Davenport. executor of Che last will and testament ofgttid deceaed, comea iuto court and represen ts thut lie U now piepared to reuder kis final account u Bucb exeontoT. Tbereupon it is ordered that Tueaday, the 1'th day of February,, at 10 o'clock lm tneforenoon be asslgned for examinlngand allowing auch account, and that the devlsees, lctrutecs.and belrs at lawol sald rleceased, and allotber perBODs interested in said estat , are required toappear at a eessionof paidCourt, tbeo to be holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, in said County. and show cautie, if any there be, why the said account should Dot be allowed: And it is further ordirod that said executor give notice to the persons interegted In said e-tate, of the pen1 doncy of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pubIli-heid in the Ann Arbor Argus. a uewspaper prlnted and circulatfd m sald county, three successlve weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WIIXARD HABBITT, [A true eopy.] Judpe of Probate. W11. mam G. Bott. Probate Keuister.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News