Great Opportunity To Make Money
I have had such splendid success that I can't help writing to yon about it. I have not made less than $, and some days from $15 to $25. I ara really elated, and can't see why others do not go into the Dish Washer business at once. I have not canvassed any; sell all my washers at home. They give such good satisfaction that everyone sold, helps to sell many others. I believe in a year I can make a profit of Three Thousand Dollars, and attend to my regular buisness besides. When a Climax Dish Washer can be bought for $5, every family wants one, and it is very easy selling what everybody wants to buy. For particulars, address The Climax Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. I think any lady or gentlemen, anywhere, can make from $5 to #10 a day. I would like to have your readers try this business, and let us know through your columns how they succeed.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News