Code Of Elephantine Manners
Tho following incident may prove instructive to some of your numerous readers, illustrating the power of memory in the matter of instruotion iu the code of elephantine manners. While visitiug the zoo some time ago I took my children to see the elephant and to give thetn a ride. After the rido I wanted to give the elephant a bun, and to make him say "Pleasse" said "Salaam kuro" - i. o., make a salaam. The anima! lookcd at me hard for some timo, with the bun iu my hand. At last memory carne to his help, and up went his trunk, and he made a most corroct "saliiam. " The keeper seemed very much surprisod and asked me vvhat it meant. I told him it was a point of good manuers for an elephant to raise his trnnk up to his forehead if any one was going to feed him, and that frequently elepbants will ask in this polite manu er for something when thcy see any one pass by â– vvho is likely to feed them. The keeper assured me he had never geen tho olephaut do this before, and if 1 romeraber rightly he had been in charge of the anima! since it arrived from India, and that it was one of thoso which took part in the grand procession to Agra when his royal highness the Prince of Wales visited India, and where I doubtless saw it. For 17 years this animal
Ann Arbor Argus
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