Feather Superstition
We havü long been acquainted with the peacock feather snperstition bnt were not aware nntil a few daya asa that it extended to all feathered oreatures. A youug girl admirecl the beaotiful pigeonB stratting, cooing aDd sua. uiug themselves in the covert of ths house where she was boardiug and asked tho liHidlady tosell her a to take homo with her. "No, indeed, child " was the iinmediate response. "Not f'ot any money would I sell yon those birds When one person gives or sella au acquaintanue a. feathered thing, there ig snre to be tronble betwuen thom, and 1 do not want to fail out with yon. "_
Ann Arbor Argus
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