London Newsgirls
The London Weekly Telegraph, a miscellany published in eonnection with tbe Sheffield Daily Telegraph, is now being sokl in' the streets of London by a corps of presentable damsels, beoominsIy dressed in a uniform of dark gray, with red facings, hood lined â– with tho latter color and forage cap to match. A fortnight after Easter the EngliaU formerly observed a festival called Hocktide. It was customary for the womea to go out into the streets with cords and bind the rnen -whem they met nntil the latter purchased their release with small contributions of naoney. During the first century after Ohrist tallow was 6 cents a pound; cheese, 14 oents; butter, 18 oents; honey, 34 cents; peas, 6 cents, and beans, 10 cents. Cape Conception, California, was called after one of the vessels iu the fleefc of Cortez.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News