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Unless you want or are going to want a ... Kwne machine TWO THOUSAND, THREEHUNDRED $2,300.00 Will be given awayr in one hundred and twenty prizes. it is the best offer ever made on Sewing Machines, and yon have your choice among 25 firstclass machines. IT IS HO SCHEME. IT IS NO LOTTERY. I !T IS SïSPLY A GQOD, Milt BUSINESS INVE5THEE Aside f rom the prizes, every person will get a machine at leBÖthan spotcash price on the club plan. J. P. SCHDH, ANN ARBflR. i FEW PEE lm. DO YOÜ KNOW THAT The present retail prices for all flrst-class Sewing Machines (except those sold in my club) are entirely disproportionate tomanuf acturer's flrst cost? THAT These retail prices are made necessary by reason of the expense and time required to get your money out of them? THAT No one family sewing machine has proven itself superior to all others? THAT For a local dealer to profltably sell Sewing Machines through peddlers he must get from $40 to $60? THAT The public will not pay the excessive unreasonable retail prices and the only remedy is found in the club plan, you get prices and terms on machines within the reach of all classes? THAT It is unwise to buy a machine whose maker is unknown? THAT A wise person will get a machine on the club plan? THAT This club is more econoinical and business like than anything heretofore offered? THAT If you need a machine you ought to try the club? THAT The high prices for Sewing Machines are paid by the poor people? You should not buy a sewing machine on account of its name, there areothers just as good. J. F. SCHUH, Ann Arbor. A (JOOD HÜSBAND sbould look a f ter the comforts of his wife. A good Sewingr Machine is one of the necessary articles. Any household can get one on tlie club plan. A full fet oí' attachmeuts is Griven Away with eacli Machine. Ín this club I give you chojce of about any first-class Machine made, and fnrnish 5 3"ears warrantee With Every Machine and guarantee that you can buy a better Sewirig Machine of me on better terms than you can buy else where. Why send your money away to strangers and buy a "pig ina bag" when you can get a Machine for less money, and You Have Your Choice Do not be deceived by newspapers offering $60 Machines for $15 or $20. I will sell you the same class of Machine for less money, and save you freight charges, and teach you how to use it. Now Is Your Chance í am organizing a 3eries of clubs in which you get a Machine for $15, or you can go as high as $34. Remember every Machine is fully warranted and Satisíaction Guaranteed, It will cost you only $1.00 per week, and you have a chance in the 120 prizes f rom $1.00 to $100. Look. at Club Plan. Will YoU TriJOne? J. F. SCHUH, Ann Arbor. X Sewing Machiije is A tiolisehold Necessity j and my object is to supply all classes of people at low pnces and easy terms. Heretofore nine-tenths of all machines bought have been bought on the installment plan, and cost from $30 to $60. On my club plan you can get the same machine at from $15.00 to$34.00, and you have an interest in one hundred and twenty prizes amountingto $2,300.00, the highest being $100.00 and the lowest being $1.00. The prizes will be distributed to persons guessing nearest the number of common white beaus in a quart. Ask for my Club Plan. J.F.Sehuh, &nn Arbor. Keep Needlcs and Parts of all Machines. Sewing Machines Kepaired and Kented.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News