Changing The Charter
The council held a late meeting last night. The proposed charter amendments carne up, and after a long struggle with varying votes certain changes were recommended. One was the creating of a new w#rd to be known as the seventh ward, to include that part of the city south of Main strteet and east of Hill: another gave the mayor and aldermen í;oo salary each; another length ened the mayor's term of office to two yeais, and gave him the appointment and removal of the police; another gave the council the power to appoint the Street commissioner; and another altered the complexion of the board of public works, practically abolishing it. These changes, if made, will demand a thorough and complete revisión of the charter to make it conform to the pr'oposed changes. The council was divided on every point. The council adopted resolutions very complimetary to City Clerk Miller.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News