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A Woman's Paper

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On February 22, the Daily Courier is to be given over entirely to the control of the ladies of the M. E. church, It will be a special edition and twenty-five ladies have promised to write for it. The editorial staff for the day is as follows: Editor in chief, Mrs. C. M. Cobern; assistant, Mrs. Ellen Soule Carhart; m naging editor, Mrs. J. E. Beal; political editor, Mrs. C. A. Jaycox; city editor, Miss Sarah Whedon; university editor, Mrs. F. P. Jordán; editor household department, Mrs. VV. W. Whedon; editor children's department, Mrs. J. W. McKenzie; editor fraternity and society department, Mrs. Jenie Voorhees; editors of the men's column, Prof. L. D. VVines and D. W. Springer; manager of advertising, Mrs. J. E. Beal; assistant, Mrs. C. G. Darling; manager circulation, Mrs. A. W. Ames. It is feared that this nurnerous staff of editors who will have to give utterance to all their hobbies and theories in one day's paper will overload the paper with readable articles to such an extent that the stock of blue pencils will be exlausted in endeavoring to bring the mass of copy down to printable proportions It will be an interesting paper without question and will tiave a large circulation.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News