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Don't Feed Tramps

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The Anti-Tramp society of Ann Arbor has been in operation now for about four months, and is doing much both to help deserving workmen who are out of employment and to discourage professional tramps. The aim of the society is to separate these two classes by offering a meal or a night's lodging, or both, to all who are willing to earn it upon a saw-buck. The professional tramp hastens on when confronted with this instrument; and tne man who is really seeking work is glad to secure a good meal or a clean bed by its aid. Chief Sipley, who has immediate charge of the society's work, has given out 92 mfeal or lodging tickets, each standing for at least an ïour's hard work. These represent about 60 different men, nine-tenths of whom, in the chief's opinión, were deserving workmen seeking employment. The real tramps will not work and are rapidly learning to avoid Ann Arbor as a barren field :or their operations. The society earnestly requests citizens to give neither food nor clothing at their doors, but to send all apnlicants to the eneine house at the corner of Fifth avenne and Huron street. Only in this way can the deserving be separated from the undeserving, and the city made uncomfortable for professional idlers. All statements by tramps that they could not get work at the engine house are false.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News