Death Of Harvey Cornwell
Harvey Cornwell, a well known and highly respected citizen of Ann Arbor (lied suddenly Saturday evening at half-past nine o'clock, üf heart failure. He had been in poor health for some time, but at the last his death was unexpected. The funeral services wili be held at ten o'clock this morning from the house, the pall bearers selected for the occasion being Moses Seabolt, Fatrick O'Hearn, David Rinsey, Edward Duffy and H. W, Hayes. Harvey Cornwell was bom in East Haddam, Conn., November 4, 1820, and was the son of William and Ann 15radick Cornwell, both natives of Connecticut. In 1836 they removed to Michigan and located in Monroe county, where William Cornwell died in i S7 r . Harvey was the second son. Until his sixteenth year he worked on his father's farm and attended school in Orleans county, N. Y. Upon coming to Michigan he turned his energies to farming, which he followed il n til 18ÍO. when he spent two years in the gold mines of California. Previous to this, in 1840, with bis two brothers, he engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods, which business was continued until the mili was consunied by fire in 1880. When he returned to Michigan in 1852, he settled in this county, and went into business with his brothers, Henryand Cornelius Corn well, in the wrapping paper milt, located in Ann Arbor township. For many years he has been connected with the paper mili in Ypsilanti established by Cornwell Bros. in 1856. He owned a half interest in the pulp milis near this city, was interested in the pulp mili at Jackson, and had other business interests. He was married in 1855 to Miss Alice Shannon, and leaves a wife and three children, Esther, Wirt and Jennie, the latter being the wife of E. A. Darrow. He lived in a handsome bnck residence on North Ingalls,