Solons On The Drainage Canal
Chicago, Feb. 4 - Over 300 mt-mberto the IUiuoi.s lrislature, and other guests invitod to inspect the drainage canal, wen', out ander the eseort oí President Wencer and thv board of trustees. The work was thoroughly inspected at all points. At Willow Spriugs a banquee was served President Weuter told the menibers o: the legislatura that he had asked them to inspeet the work with an eye to the future. In considering needod legislation he asked as favorable a verdict as possible Senator Bogardus, who responded, paic a high tribute to the work aecomplishoc by the trustee3. Hé aasured thern that when it, cami; to the point himself and other members woul 1 be fouud uniform!y favóring everything in tho best interosts of Chicago. Speeohes were made l)y severa! others. Menibers of the legislature to the number of seventy-ftve later attended a banquet at tho Union League :'lub to meet the joint eominittee on municipal reform, representing the most prominent clubs of Chicago, for the purpose of discussing reform legislation needed by Chicago.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News