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It is human nature te wam mtnetlmw i, ■ ilOtlMtg. J J SIL VERWARE (MEI AWÁY FEEE - AT - W. F. Lodho'z Grocery Store, Nos. 4 and 6 Broadwaj . This is the way it is done: Witfi every Cash Sale, whether it be ten cents or fifty dollars we give you a coupon shówino the amcmnt purchased, and when you hav.bought groceries or any goods in our line t., ihe aniount of Forty Dollars, Forty-tive Dol. lars or Fifty Dollars YOU CAN HAYR YOUR CHÓICE of theTWENTY BEAf' TIFUL PIECESOFSILVERWARE sucü as Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holder, Cream Krui: (Jaster, Beiry, Pickle, Butter Dishe's, etc! CALL AND EXAMINE. emcniber Everythivg in the QBOCEUYlf LINE Ma Ckeapfor Cash, W. F. LODHOLZ 4 and 6 Eroadway ARE YOU POSTED _ ON THE Standard dictionarY PUSUSHED BV FUNK 4. WAGNALLS CO., NEW YORK. 0S;00gg0llT COST S NEARLY M&ir ' MILLION RsssÜb ï dollars "= . V j Literary T= Achievement T W: of the Age. It is made on New Plans by the best Talent. lts Editora number 847. In preparation 4 yeara. Sas a wonderful Vocabiüary of uearly 300,000 WOROS AND PHRASES. Moro tlian Twlos the Words founfl in anr other 1 Vol. Dictionary, and about 75.IXX) mora words than Any Other Dictionary of tho Laucriiage. Particulars sent free to any address. Address, PRICE $12 tO $22 focLdiiL THE FULLER BOOK CO., &Vagzto3, hióh. Or apply to our Loc:il Agent. TRÖCK AND sTORAGE, C. E. GODFREY. Kesidence and Oftice,4S Kourth'Ave.. North ■ Tt-leplione 82. ■ BLACK RASPBERRY. 14 dajs earlier than the Gregg, neariy twica &s large, absolutely hard j, vigorou.grower. L ÏOSET M4KER. (420.0 PEKiCRE. Uso 5,000,000 Fruit and Ornamental trees and plants. 500 Acres. Introducers Winter Banana Apple am Now Prolific Peach. Write for IUustratei - - - GREENING8ROS.Monroe,Mich. Till Feb. 15, 95 . SPECIAL SALE I OFtets' Roe is i AND GENTS" AND LADIE'S Arctics ai)d glibber Pools. m i mm ■ SHOE DEALERS. 'Waahington Block, WASHINGTON STREET


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