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f A Clean I : I Collar ; j ' One that you can keep clean all j the time - u callar that does not i : ; wilt when you get over-hcatcd ; ; that does not fray on the edge, or i i tear out at the buttonholcs, and ' can be clcancd by simply wiping I i off with a wet sponge or clotli. ! : ! These collars and cuffs are made i ■ by covering linen collars or cuíFs j ; on both sidos with waterproof j ; "celluloid," thusgiving strength i aud dorability. They are the only i waterproof goods so made, and j I ! evcry piece is stamped as follows: j ! 11 TRADf I l Ai ARK Ask for this, aud reftise to take j any imitation if you ex5ect sat! ! isfaction. If you r dealer does not j i keep them, send direct to us, eni closing amount, a;id we will mail j Li sample. Collars 25 cta. each. 1 i;fs5octs. pair. Statesize, and I uheüicr stand-up or turned-down Í v, collar is wanted. h THE CELLULOID CO., s 48Ï-J4 lirnuil'wuy, n p New York, ájíj SWEET CLOVER PUTTER COLOK Will not becotnc rancid by age, or leave any taste or odor to the bvltti. ft is a perfectly harmless vegetable color. Manufactured by Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co. FHICE: 10, IS, 25 and SCc per Eottls, EISENEARTH LIVER PILLS Will stimulate a sluggisli system into iiealthy action. MANN'S DRUG STORE, 39 S. Main Street. ÏE WHITE TOKAY The Best for all Purpose, MANU BKO-., Jírujífíists. 39 S. Main St. - ;AN.V ARBOfí !


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News