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Michigan Central "The Niaeara Fallt Route." TIMfcTAilLK (Hfvi-i'.n Ni 18, liflq CENTRAL STANDARD Tibí' . 3 a i -i 3! : II ö S ;-rS5i?, ; x SSSSS -SS i 2-1 Sa : il a 2 3 I ft : : - % c 5 sa se ) = 5 Ta TT :Lg L ag : : : .: a a =g : ;fig iiS, g2 SS j : 23 MS ■ ■ 'OO 1 - 1. se 1-! ■ p 04 ■ C09 B I E e ; : 3 ■ ; ; : : ■ a h. jnos ; ; Oi ' ; ■ c -- 5. a a i . : ■ : . a o n a ; : ; ; "o. a -n I - s : ! ! x as i ; s ;Ls - lisa :ss ; ; ;ss . as a ?SS5SS2Sgg ;aS83S!SS!Slg iliHii itHÍ O.W.KUOv.i.-i ,i.w BATES, O. I', i! T. Ao rbkí-Ko. tq'iAmilor D# A. KAC LACHLAN, M. D. Dleoasos of tho KYK, KA I NO8E and THROAT Offlce, oor of Mata ami Washlagton Streets. Befidenoe, 149. 8tte Street. Resldeuoe tlphone, No. 128. Oflke telepbone No. 134. Hours: 1O n. m. to 1 2 and 1 to 5 p. m. LOUIS ROHDE, Coa! & Wood Lehigh Valle; Goal, $0.00 per ton. Beech and Maple Blocks, $2.60 a con!. Beech mi Maple, i Peet, $6.60 a cord Main Office -86 E. Enron Street. Yards 50 Wesl Hurón Street. W S MOORE, iBeníovoi rniin .v s. Main to2T8. Msio 8t.) TlTrT"r 'í'YCn Work Jone ín n JLf X.'o J - b. Xr! JL - i ..f g „i modern aentwtM mwn m,i llridK - . j K a pecialtr g m :ift strikt. 2ySk ca . JÏ Detroit Weekly Xr'bune Price Reduced 75 Cants a Yaar. Unsurpassed as a Newspaper. Unrivaledin Popular Interest. Soundlv República. . . . An Agent wanted Ín rery Towmhip Ín Michigan, to whom liberal term wlll be giTen. THE TRIBUNE - D.troll. iÉNEW S& CATALOGUE H AND CUIDE to Poultr? Eilaeri for 1895. VH OontainH over 130 fine ilfustrutions nhovrEl 'K a photo nf the largest hentinry ia the ■! V Oiven bent plans forpoultryhouBM. H are r6meüieuni recipes for ail dÍHeaftes, J )alo Talaublcinforrautíon onthe kitehen 1 und tlowr Ktirlfn wnt for only 10 cents. HiV' John Bauflcher, Jr.,P.O. Ecxi freepert, 111. E. N. T ' JSlE, Vlolfnist 1 I)K -Al KKT ■ "■" i i i m.i cl the 'Mii ii Ponset ■ ■ .' ■ I .i i y, u emlneni U-.íi'-'r.' i ' ' ■ MTi.i '!'ln-. nv : al0O un , .,. ■ l; rlln ilitrli School" i-; in ■ pup ni lita rooms In ti' n Coep inv'aBuildtner C - ' ' Bti Vnn i bor. {■" Ti" ■ "il n mu iuation.


Ann Arbor Argus
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