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Is The Chicora Afloat?

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Chicago, Keb. 4 - Tho whole city was excited last, evening by an extra gotten out by The .'vonins Mail whioh stated that the .'ng-lost Chicora had been 'sighted a% the loot of Nlnety-slxth gtreot, off Colehour, noar South Chicago. It was judged by those who saw it that tt was about one and onehalf miles from ehore, buc further Investigation proved that it was out ín the lake at least flve miles. The flre boat "Chicago," stationed at Calumet river and South Chicago avenue, at ono went to the reacue. Aftor a vain battle with the ice and having got to a point three-quarters of a milo from ehore this boat was obligod to put back into port at South Chicago. "Meanwhüü tugs Protection and Calumet started from Chicago outside of tiiu ice floo and p:is,ed South Chicago in pursuit of the huik, which was thon drifting toward Whiting, Irul. The life-saving crew at South Chicago made a fruitles3 cffort to reach the huik over the ice, buc without aviiil. This effort boing abandonad a spi'cial train was furnished Ui the Ufo savers by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad oompany to carry them to Whiting, Ind. The work of rescue was then attempted from that point." Still later is was reported that the life saving crew got close enough to read I the name "Chicora" on tho vessel, but could soe no signs of lifo. She was eovered with ico and drifting helplossly witli the wind. ïhe latest report at this writing is from the captain of the tug Protection which tías arrived ín harbor again. The captain says: "Stv nothing but sjagullsand drift ico."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News