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Good Horse Sense In Burros

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The Moxioau burros ascertain where to dig for water by closely observing the snrfaco of tho ground. We had fountl in aii arroyo a sufficient quautity of water to make coffee wheu we obsorved threo burros soarching for water. They passed sevoral damp placea, examing the ground closely, when the leader halted near us and commenced to paw a bolo in the dry, hot sand with his right forefoot. After awhile he used his left forefoot. Having dug a hole sornething over a foot in depth, he backed out aud watched it iutently. To our surprise, it spon coniinenced to fill with water. Then he advancbd and took a drink and step ped aside, inviting, I think, the othera to take a drink. At all events they promptly did bo and then -went away, wheu vo got down aud took a drink from their well. The water was cool and refreshing - much better, in fact, than we had found for many a day. There is no witchcraft aboufc the Mexican burros, but they have good horse sonso. -


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News