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New York State Labor Report

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Albaky, Feb. 4- ïho twelfth animal report of the oí labor statistics of the state was made to the egislature by Commissiouer Thomas J. Dow ling totlay. The report snys: "It will bo l'ound trom the Information receivod that In a great many instances there have been reductions in tho hours of labor without a oorrespooding reduction in %vages. Recent improveiueuts in labor saving machinery, especiully in the printing trade have caused a deerease in the nu ui bor of employés of froni 20 to t6 B-8 per cent. Iu other branches of industry the tiocrease will average 18 percent., and iu fonic instances it runs as high as 60 per cent." The question "has reduction of wages been prevented by the fact of the existence of your organizationf" is answered by 671 labor organizations and twenty-two do not reply; Ö48 organizations report that they prevontod wage ruductions, ninety-tive say that they were unable to prevent decreases in the rates of pay and thirty-three state that there has been no ücinaiul for a reduction. The whole number of members reported by 689 organizations is 155,309. There has been expended lor benefits by 473 organizations whose total membership is 122, ■ SM.', the sura of $511,717.69. The out-ofwork bonefits amount to $100,801.79. The balunce wasexpeudend for eick, death uü 6trike beneüts.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News