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As Good As A "deader."

As Good As A "deader." image
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Washington, Feb. 4- The senate spent the day ou tho District appropriation bilí and made good progress. McPhereon wiil niove today to discharge the íinance commiici'o froin f urthcr consideración of the currcnt iinaucial question, in order to bring the question directly before the senato. Au executive session was held. The house passed the bilí to revire the rank of lieutenant general in tho army, the object being to authoiïze the promotion of Gen. iáchofleld to that rank. ïhe Pacific raihvays funding biü was amended so as to make the interest on the debt due the governinent 8 per cent. , and also so_as to prevent dividends to stockholders until the governmenc dabt was dischargxl. Boatnur thon moved to recominic the bill, and on an aye and nay vote ic was adopted - 17T to 1ÜS. This practically küls the bill. Tho nay vte was as follows: Adams of Kentucky, Aitken, Alürich, Apsley, Avery, Babcock, Baker of New Hampshlre, Bartlett, Belden, Bell of Texas, Blair, Boutelle, Brosius, Bundy, Bunn, Bynum, Cadmus, Campbell, Cannon of Illinois, Caruth, Cacchingi, Chickering, ChilQs, Cogsvvell, Cooper of Texis, Culberson, Curtis of New York, Daizell, Davey, Deforest, Dingley, Draper, Durborow, Krdman, Kverett, Fielder, Fletcher, Forman, Funk, Gardner, Gillett of Massachusetts, Grosvenor GrouC, Saines, Harmer, Hatch, Hayes, Heiner, Henderson f Iowa, Hendricks, HepLurn, Hicks, Hooker of Mississippi, Hooker of Now York, Hopkins of Pennsyivania, Kylo, Lacey, Lapham. Layton, Lefever, Linton, Lockwood, ijoudenslagor, McAleer, Mcüowell, Mcrcor, Meredith, Meyer, Montgomery, Moon, Murray, Mutchler, O'NeiH of Missouri, Pape, Patterson, Piiyne, Powers, Kandall, Reilly, Reyburu, Richards of Ohio, Richardson of Tennessee, Russell of Conneccicut, Schermerhoru, Scranton, Sherman, tíibley, Sipe, Smith, Sperry, Stevens, Stone, Charles VV. Stone, Williarn A. Stoae of Kentucky, Straus, Talbott of Maryland,, Turner of Georgia, Van Voorhis of New York, Wadsworth, Walker, Warnor, Weadock, Weaver, WUson of West Vir ginia, Wolvcrton, Wright - total, IOS.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News