Extra Freight Train Wrecked
Newton. 111=., P'eb 4 -An extra freight on the Indiana and Illinois Southern carrying a passenger coach, was wrecked by a broken rail two miles west of Oblong and went i'.owu a fifteen-foot euibiuikraent. The Fura Theatre company -eleven persons- atuí twu other passengers were on bo;ird ïhe injured aro; Clint ij. Ford, manager, arm hart; Geurge M. Adatns, leading man, arm and hand badly cut, iuternal lujuries ; Harry Faherney, coraediun, heart and arm cut, Gcorge W. Jackson, loot mashed; 1) XV. Seagrisc, hand and leg gashed and badly bruised; T H. Hand. fcenous head wounds; three ladies escapcd without mjury. No fatalities.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News