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Bride Had Been A "switchman."

Bride Had Been A "switchman." image
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MlLWAUBEB, Kül. 4 - "Switch Annie" (Misa Anna ursaudtner), who has been made ïamous in poetry and story the past twelve years because ene is a swiich tender in the Chicago, Milwaukee und Sc Paul railroad yards in this city. was married to Charles VV Green, the yard foreman Miss (sanütner took her faiher's placo in the yards whon he was killed, aud has had charge üi' one of the ïuust important syste-uia. Electric Iights. A Vienua professor givos it as his opinión, üfter muoh research on the subject, that all delicate persons anti tkose who Butïor trom uervousuuss shoulcl never remaiu long iu a room lighted by eleutric lights, ifcs effect (-i the nervous system being such that aioet arwbile they generally become nueuy and depressed and fiixl it impossi! h jto concéntrate the attentiou for any length of time. Young persons, on tbs contrary, and those vith stroug nérvea find theiufluenoo ot' the light extremely beneficial, especially when the braiu i overworked and tired, the eftect being much the same as that of strong coffee - i. e., increased aotivity jf the nervous system.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News