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Deafness Cannot be Cured by ccal Applications ;is tbey cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Tiiere is only one way to curedeaness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inilamed condition of the mucous lining oí the eustacliian tube. Wlien this tnbe is inlliimed you iiave a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and wlien it is entirely closed, deafness i.s the result, and unless the influmation ayn be taken out and this tube rettored' to its loiinal condition. hearing wil) bo detroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh. which is noth!LL but an inilamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Ilundred Dollars any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that eannot be cured by Hali's Catarrh Cure. Send for eirculars; f ree. F. J. ClIENEY & CO., Toledo, O. igaTSold by dniggists, 7öc. -i wu jjivvv ouueu. Mrs. Plicebe Thomas of Junction ('iy. lll., was told by her doctors she had Consumption and t.liat there was nu hope tor her, luit twö bottles of Dr. King's New Diseovery cómpletely curetl lipr and she says it savefl her lil'e. Mr. Thos. Eftifers, 189 Florida street, San Francisco, suffered trom a dreadl'ul cold, approacüiiig consumption, tried without result everything else then bqQffht one bottlé of l)r. King's New Uisccvery and in two weeks was cured. IJe is naturally thankiul. It is siicb resulta, of which these are h:nnples, that prove tlie wóiiderful elliciency oMhis 'medicine in Conghs and üolds. Free trial bottles at Eberbaeh Drug & Cheaiical Co. 's and George J. Ilaeussler, ïtancliester. Whec Baby was siek, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Chüd, she cried f or Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria., Eczema Uured. Detroit, Mieh., Jan. 19, 1895. - Por the last tliree years I have been troubled very severely wlth eczema. The doctors said that tliey coulri do no more for me and I tried various remedies without benefit. I tlien began to take Ilood's Öarsaparilla aud it has cured me and I cannot speak too high ly of this l never'expected to get well after so rnany other medicines liad l'ailed. J. H. Tourgee, 1Ö6 Frankliu St. Ilood's l'ille cure indigestión, sick beadache. LOST MANHOOD.-rt isa well known faot i hat tfaousands of our brleht and intelllfreut yoiingrinen ure suft'ering ín silem '■ the effectu oí youthful errors. Our remedy will po-itively cure all vreakneeses and premature decay. All correspondenoe la airiotly couüduntiiil. Prlee,$1.00: b muil $1.10. Noii li Amei ,iu Chemical i 'o., 21 Bennett Building, Uetroit, Mich. N. 13- We do not claim tojriveyou something for nothing, butdoglve you full value for your uioney. i


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