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Special Sale Of Crockery, Lamps, Glassware, etc. All our I15.00 Dinner Sets reduced tO $ [2. OO. $12.00 Dinner Sets reduced to $9.60. $10.00 ' "$8.00. Gold Band Dinner Sets $7.20. 56 Piece Tea Sets $2. 98. Chamber Sets . $1.92. Bargains in Graniie Ware. Cooking Ware for 25c and 10c. Adams' Bazaar, 13 S. Main Street Ann Arbor. F. Krause, the well known auctioneer, will attend to all sales in city or county. Orders may be left with him on Broadway or at the Argus office. tf ! Watch Sale at Haller's Jewelry Store. _____ tf A large assortment of robes and blankets at low prices, at Fred Theurer's, 12 W. Liberty Street. If the Baby Is Cuttlng Teeth ite sure and use that o)d anfl well-tried reniedy. Mis Winki,ow'k Sootbinq f-YhUP lor chiidren teethlng It B' othes the child, Boftens the pums, allays all pain, cures wind olie ai'i is the beat r-medy foi dlarrbceti. Tweoty-five cents a bottle Dcm't Tobacco Spit or Smoke YourLrfe Away." The truthfnl, start ling title of a book about No-tobac, the only harml ss. guarantced tobaeco habit cure. If you want to qnit and ean't, use "No-tobac." Braci'8 upnicotiniwd ñervos, eliminatie nicotine noisons, makes weak men gain strength, vreight and ïigor. Positivo cure or money refundcd. Sold by H. J. lirown, drujïiiist. Book at drujrïiiBt, or mailsd free. ldrt-s The Sterli e Remedy Co , Chicago ofllee 45 Randolpta St. ; New Vork. 10 Spriu-e St. Notice to Creditors. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUÍJTY of Notice is hereby given, that by Ho order of the Probnte Court for the Coiinty ol Washtennw, made on the aüth day of Januarï A. D. 1895, six months from that date were ailowed forcreditoi-8 to prrsent t.heir claims apiinst the eetate of Ann Mullrennao, late of said connty, deceased, and that all ereditors of said deceased are required to preseut their claims to said l'robute Court at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arhor, for exumioation and allownnce on or before the a9th day of July next, and that such claims wil! be henrd before said Oourt, on the 29'. h day of April uil 011 ibe ?9th day ol July uext, at ten o'clock in the iorenoou oí ench of sai'l day. Dated, Ann Arhor. Jannary 'o, A. D. W: J.Wll.LARD BABBITT. Judte of Prob.itr . Best Beer iu the dtf ut Dietz's Bottling Works Wines, Ijíhoi-is, Tobacco aml Cigars. 16 W. Washington St.. Ann Arbor. OSWALC DIETZ. Prop. p K. WILUAM8, AttorsDT ú Law and Pension Claim Attorce?, MILAN. MICH. Couveyancinir and Collections. Grand Opera House ONE NIGHT (XNLY, Wednesday, Feb. 13 Garrlcb ani Collier's líigr Scenic Productioii Ike Cros Icé i Greatest Prodnctlon of the Age. A jrand cast heJlel by EDMUND - COLLIER Amerira's Recogimeil lleroic Actor. ____ [lie V. S. Life Saring -Siaiion vii L The San)y Hook Light House r r. The city oi RomeUUJJ The llarlem R. R. Tunnel. l'iice, - iïöt 50e, aul 5f.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News