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OFTICIAL. ""rT7:cn, Chamukh. , As Akbos. Mloh.. fob. 5, W6.S Regalar ession. Called to order by President AVinee. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. Waener. On motion of Aid. Fergnson Hnjrh Johnson was nllowed to address the Council on allpod grievances. On motion of Aid. Manly tho matter was referred to Pólice Committee. PETITION8 AND COMMUNICATIONS. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : U. nuemen- We, tlie nndcrsixm-cl nienibers of the School Board Un the said city ot Ann Arbor, liereby respt-ctfullv reipecttnlly riprwent to oar honorable bodv tnatweclo not deein ft desirüWe ihat the pul)lluchMl for the Klflh ward if Ihls city be conufcted wltli thp city tener svuteni ' This larely for the reaaon f the expense of cormtructiou and malnminlnii the saam W. W. Wiieuon. J. T. Jacobs. ClIRISTrAN -IACK, Kmma K. Boweb, L. Urukkb, W. B. HMITH, KVAKT H. SCOTT, , . J. K. Beal. Jafiuary Í8, ISS5. Referred to Committee on Sewers. BKPOBT OF 8T ANDINO COMMITTEBS. FISANCE. ' To the Common Council: Your Corumlttee on Klnnnce reBpectfullv report thut they huve hnd the (ollowlns bilis tinder cousKlenuion and would recominend Mit-lr allowance at the gum stated uud warrants ordered drawn at numis utaied. KeBpectfully submltted. Fkank Wood, Akthük J. Kitson, C. H. Í1AKLY, Kinance UomralUeo. CONTINGENT PÜND. W. I. Miller salarj . 8 7 John W. Bennett " .... S? ?J P. O'Hearn " " S 2Ï Geo.H. Pond ■ .. 2 -A Marvin Davenport, Janitor.."! $ - Dr. Jolin Kapp, three months' alarr" 37 60 Henry Doduley ' " o' ïï Kil W Moore ' " ' fin Dr. WK. phyRlclan.3 ruontbs' salury o.ï gn Telephone and Telegraph Uonstra? tion Co , rental 7 telephones 43 75 Clay A. Greeue, office rem, nsg"iñ John Walz M 17 Aun Arbor T. H. Eleotrio Co , lampTH s Oü N D. Corbin, 116 hours Clerical wurk on ord. coin g -0 Marie Durlieim, lypewritinê 4 ,o ld M. Allllard, pruitiuij rii E.B Pond, juanee fee... j o , M. Brenuer, servlng snmmoiiB aan wug,en? HaU' coal for oineea.::::::; ta S: v e', c'lPjl"8 old o.dinanees.. aj UU Glen V. Mills, B copie A. A. aud Ypoi JLMrectory - ,- „, C. E. Godfrey, cartage "I 3 ÍÍ ti. Van Baaien, peue asg to N. D. Corbin „ A. T. Hugnes. recoiding two deeds 2 i( Waslnenaw Eve Times Pub. Co pïïblisInuK nouees ,n au W.J. Miller, Biipplles V SS Beakes & Hammond, pub. Öoun. p"röc" 38 24 Bótete oí Rice A. Coun. proo M -i J.O. Burclideld, burymg dg L) John Conde burying a dog ?, Geo. Cniig. use of üak . " 75 Fred Hunn, summoning jury (LÖney case) j os Charlen stevens. Jury fee " ! mi Kmauuel Wagner " f JS James K. Murray ' ï ,,, Krank Parker ■' """ } Thomas Horen JÍ James Jones " Charles Deamond, witness""" ï trankO'Neil Audrew E. Gibson, court fees 4 Keuuy & Quinlan.teuding boilers and putting grates in boilers. __ "3 00 Fred Huhn, Bummomng jar; (Koon CHS6J 1 _ . _.-n. -- 1 ,1 „ I ( Geo. H. Miller ■ ■ ' " .. ? G. V. Goodrich Arthur Sweet ' ' ■ '2 8. Armstrong " " .■ 1. i N. D. Corbin, witness Í, B1Strt"d ' „ 1 ■ Ai"i"httnbOr T'"H" BlectrI? CÓ . ofiöê Estáte Kioe A. Beai, prlnÚBg__IIIII 33 l Total __ _ 5iS STREET FUND. Willis L. Clark, aetlng st. com m State Saylngg Kunk a.ingèï ' tliem as foüuws: Geo. Lavere, labor i px CUarles Wlnkle, labor".".""""" 2 4 3o TolaI- ilïSBWBB ÏTTND. Geo. F. Key, salary ino nn Uhas. H.speueer, oftice work " " 'l.; iTHnk .Sutherland, labor , sn Geo. H. h iaoher " , Jr N. D. Corbin,70 hours1 olerlöl wörk on pluinblng rules 04 rn Essli nger Bros., blaokanUthlngHIZII 75 Total ..._ ....7ü2- BBIDGÏ, CI-I.VERT AXD CROSSWALK FUND. ueo. Gavere, labor i en Chas. Winkie ■' í, Martin Nagle, snow-p]owln"gI i so Elias Saddler " ,i ,V Michael Herey '■ 'ï less. I. Smith C. J. Snyüer " " 5 "" BennetFrench Z ,= JiX Geo. Weeks '■ ]í "ï William Wheeler ' V Sr, John McHugh ■ i ?" Abraham Voorhies, teamhí""'ñd snow-plowing 00 Mrs. SutherlaDd.use of horse anïwaê" 'f M Ann Arbor Gas Co tar 5 Jas Donegan, blaoksmithing"::..;"" - Esslineer Bros. " ., fi Geo. Ely, darnage to wagon recêïvëci " on bndae So. 2 . ()(1 John Baumgardner, work on crösïnêstones B ,, ,.r C. E. Godfrey, cartage"" ., ÍÍ State Savings' Banks, accounts'ai"signed them as foliows: wtnnfieee?enrOW-p.1OWi----- Charlea Wlnkle, labor IZZI 1 16 70 Total- fias 53 PIRE FUND. l"red Slple.T, salary ' .,( J. A. Edwards ■ - Sí 29 W. H. McLaren " S 9S. Max Whiuilngev ■■ ÏT, X AlbertWest 1 " -JÍ Si Eugene Willlamg" "II jí Herman Klrn " !í XX Samuel McLaren " """" ' !,, S Williara Kettlch " I__TIZ I 00 Edward Hoelzele " I m Wm. L. Schnlerle - IIZUÜZ g n M. C. Ryan " XX Mrs. B. Ream, washlng I.II 5 W. O. Dieterle, mattresses m no P. M. Fisoher, doctortng horses . 1 oo ■i. E. Harkins, supplles 7 John Foster, repalring rubber coat _ 1 o AUmendinger & Schueider. bran _ 1 oí) Luick Bros., lumber - - -1 w I. P. Lawrejice, hay a 14 E. B. Hall, coal... III M 68 Total jsQj g4 POLICB KtTNI). P. S. Banfleld, salary $ 05 (K) David CoJlins ■ 1ZZZ 50 00 K. AmbruKlerer ' --.a fMj George Isbell " """ 50 ou Henry Marsh, 9 uiglits' pólice worfel.! 18 Wl Kobert Leonnnl, siilary s2 00 Kenny 4 Qulnlan.plping forgasstove &í taward Lewis, meáis íor prlsoners 1 20 C. E. Godfrey, movinggnods 25 Arthur J. Kitson, labor od clty lockup 20 2.5 W. E. Eldert, une oí wagonette 2 00 Total 2TÍ5 poon fund. Pred Sípley, galary ? 10 00 W. H. Wilson, 30 oords block wood ï do T., A. A. A N. M. Ry Co., freight on wood 17 m Wm. Allaby, hoi..""II"... .I..H 3 h Frank Burg,fr eerle ,0 .2, H J. Uro,, uiJ„iM , í K. e. ai, ■!.,, í Zï Jolin Hur. hoes 5 i'n i K.Uard Uut trmerïm.." -, Doly ,1 'liH-r, kbnei -hirboti Urug Co., maditia" , i?, Mm AunKinn,.i. _ " i ,V John FJUe:, rooeriea _" ï „. L. i;tm.i, itioca i.' i E. B. FUil (..,!__ J J ' Jcihn (..rl ASod, fiicerles ... iVi ' John Uofii.Jr .Krocrl. "' ; 7 OofxlvBHr 4 Co. ïnevlieme " J 1„ Win. H Mcmiyre ■ ,. ?,, t'Mdrmr Klnsy I }J i O. W. Hntw, una of hack county'höuso 3 S(l Hlnscy A abolt, groceries . ,ï , Wlll V sti.uson ■' S? C. W. Vogel, meat , S : Wahri Mlller. mioes " " a Yi C. Zurn, memt [ , ,, Tot.i . jagjj,, KECAPITÜLATJ03. ! Contintreit Kni-d siiim u Kewer Fun.1 ",i 5 Street Fund _ i poi u-e Kund.::::::;:::::" j.,5i p'f f"d -:::::::::::::_!,? ñ Total 7 Report accepted and recommendatioiig concurred in as follows : Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson.BrowA, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays - None. ïlie Finance Committee subfriitted the bilí of Aid. Bodmer for material for city look up, amounting to $64.05, which they recommended, allowed. Acoepted and adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Martin, Alhnendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitaou. Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 11. Nays - None. To th CoramoD Conacll: Your com ruitte on fluance and tdewnlkto whom wa3 referred the matter of a aldewalk oomtructed by ihe city for Mrs CalherineStoll.of W. Hu ron st.. would respectfollT report that your cnmmlttee haa carefnllv consldered the matter and flnd that the was a misunderstandingon the part of Mr Sloll whotbought thnt Ihelumber thHt'wa clellvered al the time was furnished by m" Ket-ch as she bad bargaln for. The ] urn bef delivered was furnlHhed by ilr liurchflelil the contractor to whom Mr. Mutherlatid lm i f,1 'he job of bulldlnu aald ïldewalk Stoll furnished all labor and naila in construction of said waik. Yout committee wuuld reeommend that a warrant be ordered drawn In favor of the cierk for pnyment ol said assessment, provided Mr. .Sloll agree to pay for the lumber In monthly installments, back into the uy KespectfullysubmlUed. Fkank Wood C H Manly, H. J. Bkown, A. 3. Kit.son, Febnr,4.15. ■ -. ORDINANCK. The third reading by sentious of "Au Ordinance Relative to the Licensing of Plumbers." Aid. Prettyman offered an ameudrnent to substituto "each of whom shall justify in real estáte, situated in said City of Ann Arbor, in a sum equal to the aniount of said bond over and above all indebtedness, and all exceptions from sale of execution, for " who slial eacli justify in the whole amount of said sum," as appeared in line 5, section 14, of the ordinance as originally drafted. Amendiaent prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger.Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines.- 12. Nays - None. Aid. Martin offered an arnendment to strike out the word "resident" as appeared in line 5, section 14, of the ordinance as originally drafted. The amendment prevailed as followa : Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger.Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, 'resident Wines - 12. Nays - None. Aid. Prettynian offered an ame'ndmentto substituto "of said City of Ann Arbor whieh are in force at the time of executing said bond, or which uiay be adopted at any time thereafter, "and subject at all times to the inspection of said board or any of its members, in very place aud particular" for "now in orce or which may hereafter be adoptd by the Board of Public Works," as ppeared in line 8, sectiou 14, of the rdinance as originally drafted. The amendment prevailed as follows : Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmeninger,YVood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Wines.- 11. Nays- Aid. Manly.- 1. Aid. Prettyman offered au ainendment to sabstitute "That the said liceuse shall save harniless, and indemnifythe said City of Ann Arbor from jany and all claims, charges or liability, losses or damagea, suits, actions, judgnients and executious.of whatever name or nature, that shall or may at any time arise, come or be brought against the said city of Atm Arbor by reason of any injury, loas ordamage sustained by any one, either in person or in property by, from or through, any imperfect or improper work of the said license, or by, from or through any defective, imperfect or uufit materials used in any such work, or by, from or through the neglect or failure of said license to properly and effectively Ruard and protect," for "That the said license will iudemnifyand save harmless the said City of Ann Arbor from all accidenta or damages for which the said y-uy nay oe louna naDie on acconnt of negligence in poorly and eflectively protecting," as appeared in lines 17, ] aud 19 of the ordinance as originally drafted. The amendment prevailed as follows : Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger.Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Browu, Kitson, Prettyman, lres. Winea- 10. Nt- A.ld. Maly, Taylor.- g. Aid. Prettynaan offered n amendment to in.sert "inamedïately apon ibe completion of n? work onderteken by virtue of the said liconse." in line 13, section 14, of the ordinanee 88oriiinal)y drafted. j The mendment prevailed as fnllows : Yeas - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Wood, Snyder, Fergnson, Brown, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Prenident Wines.- 10; Nay8- Aid. Allmendinger, Manly.- 2. Aid. Prettyman oiTered an amend] mout to substituto " one " for "' ten " in line 22, Section 14 of the ordinance as original ly drafted. The amendrnent prevailod as folio WS: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferjruson, Brown, ; Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, j Pres. Wines. - 12. Nays - None. Alfl. Manly moved to have the ordinance referred back to the ordinanre committee. Motion lost. Aid. Prettyman introduced and or" nanc-e entitled "An Ordinance to Amend Section Seven of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Relative to Licéiises," which was read the first time by title aad referred to the ordinance committee. On motion of Aid. Wood, Charles E. Greene was allowed to addrëss the Council relative to bill of Said Charles E. Greene as consulting engineer. FUOM THE SJEWEK C0MSÍITTK1. To the Common Councll: Jour Committee on Sewers, to whom was refe red the auiended aewer specfications and tlvsewcr plum rules as submittcd by the (oard . í Pub ie Works, would report tbatyour Oommitteo have csrefully eonsldered the same aud hare made several minor ehanaes in the sewer speciöc tions, and wo recommeiid that they be so approred aud conörmed. Kespectfully submitted. AKT IÜR J KITSON, O. H. MAVLY ' OH DIST. MAKTIN, V L. BODMBK H. J. BKOWN. F. WOOD, Sewer Commiltee. ld. Kitson, chairman of the committee on sewers, requested further time to report in the case of Mrs. Francés M. DePuy vs. The City of Ann Arbor. Granted. Aid. Wood moved that Mrs. Kuhn be allo wed $2.00 for janitor work aerea in city offices. The motion prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer. Martin, Allïnendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Browii, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, lrettyman, Pres. Wines - 12. Nays - Nono. Special committee on city offices requested further time to make report. Granted until next meeting of Council. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. CITY TREASiniEK'S KEI'OKT FOK THE MONTn ENDINO JAN. 31, 1895. Owing to the illness of City Treasurer Geo. H. Pond, the City Clerk presented the following certifícate of money on hand: Ann ArborSavings Bank, I Ann Arbor, Mich., Fob. 4, Ia5. f Tq the Coramon Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Deak Siks- Thi3 will certify that Geo. H Pond has on deposit to his credit as City Treasurer the sum of Sixty-six Thousand Four Huudred. hfty-nine and 47-luu Dollars (Ïb6 45ii 47), on the ürtt day of Pebruary, 1895. Reepectfully jours, M. J. FHITZ, Assistant Cashier. CITY CLEKK'S REPORT FORTHE MONTH ENDING JAN. 31, 1895. Totho Common Council of the City ot Ann Arbor: Balance on hand as per )a6t rePort I33.51H 72 MONBY HECEIVED. Contingent Fund- Miller, ret. of jury fees 620 W.J. Miller, licen's 1 50 Street Fund- Miller, dirt sold Hardinghaus 78.30 Stones eold Koch Bros 11.00 Pólice Fund- P.S.Banfield, office fees :j850 E. B. Pond, fines... 31.00 Dog Tax Fund- Miller, doglieensea l.fO Bridge, Culvert & Crosswalk Fund- Miller, tar walk... ].9J Cemetery Fuud - Speechly.burial lot 15.00 Poor Fund- By transfer from Bridge, Culvert Sc Crosswalk f 'ud 500.00 Total f 686.41 J34.2 5.13 tr 1IONKY D18BT7HBBD. Contingent Fund i 087 73 Street Fund 82 03 Firemen's Fund J 8917 Pólice Fund 271 00 Poor Fund 24557 Water Fund . 2,815.U0 bewer Fund 134316 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 5000O Soldiers' Relief Fund..-..ï.ï" '40 0' Main Sewer Bond Fund 200.00 7,326.48 7,328.48 Tlul - 2M7Ü65 BALANCK ON HAND. Contingent Fund, ï 4,315 94 Sewer Fund 9,601 10 Street Fund 211773 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 4.245 95 Firemen's Fund 442897 Pólice Fund 2,61559 PoorFund 368 52 Water Fund 1,94815 Cemetery Fund 244 36 Soldiers' Relief 934 90 University Hospital Aid Bond Fund 4.32000 Dog Tax Fund Hl 0ö Polinquent Tax Fund 144 ;) I'ncollected Tax Pniirl a vm 'i Total --... 35,253 21 8,874 5 lütal 135,253 21 8,374 68 City Clerk's balance ou hand. 128,878.85 Respectfully submltted, W. J. MlLLER, City Clerk. Ann Arbor. Mich., Feb. 4th, 18U5. To the Common Couneil: I hereby certify that the presaure of wter on guace rt Entine Houso has been 65 lbs or moretall times ainoe Jan. 21st, the date of last report. PRBD 81PLBT, Chlef Pire Dept. ] BOARD OF H3ALT ÍTATJMIMrT. For tfce tnonth of Janntrj-, JH. DKATKg A THVIB OATRBS N. ' Bruin FiTcr ;-: ' HffirV fsüure i i {"onnnmptlon ) t Ktiird. vt.o. r. r ;;.; ;... j 'OW aire ) ■ Kidnej complfilnt j ; Pneumonía .-. i i Pxr iyls ] Enlr.rged pleen l ion. lo. Under] ycar 3 Between 1 and 5 1 10 ' 20 J 4l " SO ] sn ■ en ' o 70 2 70 " 80 3 80 90 .....'..I'."'.'. 1 PLACE Of IKTKRMBNT. JVirit Hll! ermetery f 8t. Thomas' cemfitery -i Outof cify llIIIflIlIIIII t In yard on Miller aronuo 1 ÖITT MAR8HAIS REPORT OT ARRKSTS FOR THE MONTH OF JNUARY, 1895. Whole numberof arrests 21 Charges: rru n k i Vfwranfc. ""J " g Violntmir city ordinatice J3 Assanltand battery t Larceny '.'.'.'.'.'..'. 8 Anti Arbor, Feb 1, 18P5. Aid. Manly moved to amend the city charter by striking out mernbers of Board of Public Works in Iines4 and 6, Section 81. The amendment was lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Martin, Wood, Snyder, Manly, Taylor- 5. Nays- Aid. Bodmer, Allmendinger, Fergiison, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 7. Aid. Manly moved to amend the city charter by inserting Street Commissioner after the word "Treasurer" in line 4 of Section 31. Aid. Prettyman offered as substituto to the above motion that all reporta as to charter amendments be referred back to the Charter Committee. The substituto was lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Ferguson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 4. Nays- Aid. Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, ! Kitson- 8 The original motion prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Martin. Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Tay lrr 7 Nays- Aid. Bodmer, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 5. Aid. Maniy moved toamend the city charter so as to read: "The Mayor and each member of the Common Council shall bo paid one hundred dollars per anniim. The motionprevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wood, Snyder,Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson- 7. Nays- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendingér, Prettyman, Pres. Wines. Aid. Manly moved that the appointment of the Street Commissioner be conörmed by the Council. The motion prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmen dinger, Ferguson, Manly, Tayloi. Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 11 Hays- Aid. Brown.-l. Aid. Manly moved to amend the city charter, section 139, so as to have the same conform with the above motion. The motion prevailed asfollows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, M artin,AHmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, 1 man, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays- None. By Aid. Wood: Resolved, That Bepresentative Kempf be rtquested to introduce a bilí into the House ?hit,?p,res$nAtiUive8toamen(i the Charter of the City of Ann Arbor to créate a new ward ir i said city, to be known as the 7th ward and wbiclishall be bounded as follows: on the north by Hill and Geddes avenue; on the east by city limite: on the south by city limits: on the west, by Main stroet. ine resolution passed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Wood, Snyder Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kit son. Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 10. Nays- Aid. Martin, Allmendinger- 2. Aid. Manly offered an amendroent to the city charter, to authorize the city to enter into a contract for lighting the city for a term not exceeding flve years. The amendment passed as follows: Yeaa- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, W'ood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyinan, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays- None. Aid. Prettyman offered an amendment to the city charter to so amend Section 17 that the polls at charter eiections shall be opened at seven o'clock in the morning and kept oüen until flve o'clock in the afternoon. The amendment carried as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 10. Nays- Aid. Martin, Allmendinger- Aid. Prettyman offered an amendment to the city charter to amend Section 81, by cutting out "a city marshal." President Wines called Aid. Taylor to the chair dnring the discussion of the motion. The amendment prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Allmendinger, Snyder, Brown, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres, Wines- 8. Navs- Aid. Martin, Wood, Ferguson Manly-4. ' , Aid. Prettyman offered an amendment to the city charter to amend ' Section 33 by cutting oot th words ' -the Mayor," "th Presideut of the fim.námt preil.d a. folJ2L, Brown KiUou, PrettyPrei Wines - 7. "ÏÏyï-AW. Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Mïf rX-n oered an „..d;',„ th city charter amena "Ts-Ald. Bodmer, Martin, AllJntoïer, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pro Wines - 7. ays-Ald. Wood, Suyder, Fercuson, Manly. Taylor-5. Aid Pretty mau offered au amend„e.tipthe city cbarter to .amend Sectionl,soa8 toread as follows: layor shllJ,lt'll'Ic!bmi.11a8thc ommon EHSrf?ïï!.j5L S5mw "o! e good ovfïrf ffiecityand for the protuotlon ol .niiiiciii oí un i uj inhttbitanta ""■'"'; ',', "e to time as the Common CpuuT", v ut n",lH-u ,n hia Judgmentthe ':l1 ïïïincv or neoessiy may 80 requlre and ttSrovfdetorandappolnt subortt.nate oijiay pro iue iui k n,8ht.wa-tohmen." It 'ífífbe hto dStjMítS wAlso strike out all ol & 6,fte "K words, "and may arrest perSBtound d.unk in the streete. eto. Tbe amendiiieat prevailed as follows: ïeas- Aid. Bodmer, Snyder, Brown, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Tines- 7. lïays- Aid. Martin, Allmendiuger, Wood, Ferguson, Manly- 6. Aid. Prettyman offered an ameud Kient to the city charter to amend gection 83, so as to read as follows: The citv marstia! and any policeman or .bt watchman appoiutert to oilice hy thMavor bv authority ol this act, may be sus, ri-nd (i removed br iliu May. r, and lu case fthe suspension or remöral ol ny sueh ofivrr the Mayor ghall pieseirt to the Comraon Göiincllatitsnext regular meeting htareasoo forsuch suspensión or reinoval. in writi g, which shull bocome a prt ol the record of fuch meetinff. A".v Other persou appointed in offloe-by the Mayor may bu suspended or ramovt-d bs him by and with the cooseiit of bemajority of the morabert elect of the Jounoil. and the Counc-il may expel, etc. _ Tlie amendraent prevailed as follows: yeas__Aia. Bodmer, Snyder, Brown, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Wines- 7. Nays- Aid. Martin, Allmendiug'ér, Wood, Ferguson, Manly--5. Aid. Prettymap offered an nuendeutto the city charter: Thatsubdivision second of Sec. 88be amend d b Ineertiugr tlie words "and destroy" a i ter the word "selze" and before the words 'all in(trumeuts." That subdivisión twelfth of said section be nineniied to read as follows: "Xo urrest and punishdruiifcardsand persons i'ound druuk m ihe streets, Junes all' ys and publiu placea ei said city. dlxbrderly persons, vagrants, tomiiion proutitut' s, common ttreet walkers nendicants, strect beggars and persons solicrtmgalius or siibscriptlons lor any pUrpoae i ver." Thait subdivisión 3Ïat of said section be unemied toread: "To refiulate, lloense and Ontrol liaekmon, omnlbusmen, portera, runners and all others sollcltlng passebicers and thersto ridu iu any hack, oniüibua, or apon any railway, or to 'go to auy hotel or other place, and to prevent said hackmen. omnibustoen, portere and runners from entering wimiii any rail oud station atsuoh times as the Common Council may determine." ïhe amendment prevailed as follews: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, PrettyBtan, Pres. Wines - 12. Nays- None. Aid. Manly offered an amendment to the city charter to amend Section 77 by inserting Street Commissioner after the word Attorney, in the üist line. The amendment prevailed as folio ws: Yeas - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Alljnendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor- 8. Nays- Aid. Brown, Kitsou, Prettyniaii. Pres. Wines- 4. Aid. Préttyman offered an amendment to the city charter, to amend Section 90 by inserting after the words "tor any purpöse" these words: "Tlioy shall have power to determine by rdinance ihe punlsbmenl o' ;ll persons couTicti'd of any violation of the same, by Imprlsonment ut hard labor or otherwlse, and they may prescribe Sn-s, lmprlsonment, penlttes, and fort'eltrures for the violrttion of the ame. not exceedlng," o.u ifter the words 'House of Correetion" artd the foUowlnir: "And they shall also r ave the power toiuipose imprisonment on any person at hurd lanor, in defiiult of the payment of any fine amposed for the violation of sucli ordinance.1' The amendment prevailed as foljows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allraendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays- None. Aid. Prettyman offered an amendsnent to the city charter, to amend Section 107 by striking out the words "by and with the consent of the Council." The amendment prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Allmendinger. Snyder, Brown, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 8. Nays- Aid. Martin, Wood, Ferguson, Manly- 4. Aid. Prettyman offered an amendment to the city charter, to amend Section 111 by striking out the words "with the consent of the Common Council." The amendment prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodnier, Allmendinger, Snyder, Bïown, Taylor, Kitson, Prtttyman, Pres. Wiues- 8. Nays- AM. Martin, Wood, Ferguon, Manly- 4. Aid. Manly offered an amendmeni to the city charter, by ameuding tion 134 by itriking out all of the section and insertiiig all of the following, '■ to be known as Bection 134: "ïbe respeetive chairmeu of tbe Street, Sidewalk and Bewer Committees shall constitute the Board of Public Works." The aiaendmeut prevailed as folio ws: Teas- Aid. Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snjder, Ferguson, Manly. Taylor- 7. Nays- Aid. Bodmer, Brown, Kitson, j Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 5. Aid. Manly moved to amend the city charter by striking out "tnembers ! of the Board of Public Works" in lines A and 5, Section 31. The amendtnent prevailed as follows: Yeas - Aid. Martin, AUmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, ! lor- 7. Nays- Aid. Bodmer, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 5. Akl. Manly moved that the further consideration of the charter be made the regular business of the next meeting óf the Common Council, at eight o'clock Adopted. A.ld. Bodmer moved that the claim of Charles E. Greene against the city of $500 for services as Consulting engineer be allowed. Aid. Manly moved as a substitute that the matter be indefinitely postponed. The substitute was lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor - ti. Nays - Aid. Bo Imer, Snyder, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 6. The original motion was lost as follows: Yeas - Aid. Bodmer, Snvder, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 0. Nays- Aid. Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Fenruson, Manly, Taylor- 6. By Aid. Manly: Resolved, That the City Attorney be and is hereb.v requested to prepare two bilis for the amendment l.o the city charter, one to be mailed to Representativo Kernpf ud o e Co the President of the Senate. Adopted. By Aid. C. II. Manly: Resolved, That the City Treasurer be nnd is hereby dire.cted to ret irn l&o sidew tik t lx iissi'ssed againstthe. propertyof .1 hn Btolkéuthien on block 2 of Hiseock's addftion t: the oity of A nu Ait i-, the s&mo being Impropei ly deacribed, and that :i oertiüed eopyoftbis resoluflon be sennl ou the Treasurer and théowner of the property on whloh the tax above referredto is ussessed. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved. That the Lichting Cnmmlttee are hci-eby lnstructed to llud out what tlie CO81 of .trhtin.ii election rooms, lor cautuises, ■-gristrution and eh-ciions will cost; also to flud out cost for necessar.v furniture for. aaid election places, and report at uext meeting. Adopted. By Aid. Kitsn: Resolved, That the City Olerk is hereby authorized to ak tor bids l'or one thousand copies of the atneuded Bewer apeciüCütion'H, and one thuusund pies of thé ptumbefd' rules: same to üe in paoap&let forrn. Adopted. By Akl. Kitson: Resolved, That the Committeo on Fire Depnrtmunc are liereby iostmeted to see that the partitl m Is put back under the stairs iu the Bih ward emrine house as per Charlas A. Sauer'e coutr.ict. Adopted. By Aid. Allmendinger: Resoived, That the City O erk U hereby 1 guested to notifv ihe Ana Arbor Electric títreet Railway to put the track ou corner of Wells and Hacüardsti-petsiu propurcondition, as at present they are da ijferous an ' nsafe for pubüu travel, also corner Fackard aud .Main streets . Adopted. COMMUNICATIONS. City Cuerk's Owiob, Ann ihbob, JHCH.,Feb. 4, J895. To the Hon. CommOn Council: I hereby resijfn my office as City Clerk of the city of Ann Arbor 'O iake effect as soou as the viu'aney can be filled and the nevv appointee quallfles. J desire berewith to extend many thanks for the rnany cnurtesies r ceived t the hands of the members of yourbodyaod the boards of the city, during the past four years. Youi truly, W. J. MÏLLElt The resignation of WTm. J. Miller wits accepted as follows. Yeas - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 12. Nays - None. By Akl. Prettyman: !;Mt resolved that the resignation of 51 r VV J. .Millar as City Clerk be and the same is v accepted. And be it further resolved that In Mr. MUIer s re iu'natiou the City of Ann rbor los'-s the BerWoe oí n officer faithfui and bffluient for three years as a representative of tlie 4th ward on the Common CouDOll and for nearly four yeara as City Ülerk. Witiiin the term of Mr. MiU"t'a service as City Clerk, the city ofBoerB have chanired quarters, a main sewer bas been buiill and i system of -laterala begun. These, with many other important mu'lclpal Improve ents, have severely taxed the eöörgy Un! patiem-e of the City Cleri. Durlng all of this time Mr. Miller'-s kindly aod courteous treatnient of all havinsr business with the city, has digniDed the office he bas soablytliled. He 1( futher resolved that the best wishes of the Council go witli Mr. Miller In hls future vocation. Adopted. Mavoh's Office, Ann Arbor, Feb. 4, 1SP4. To the Honorble the Common Council. According to the provisión of the charter. T appoiiit, subject to yonr approval, Glen V. Mills to the office of City Clerk made vacant by the resiguation of Win. J. Miller. C. (1. ÜARLIO. Mayor. The appointment of Glen V. Mills as City Clerk was conörnied as follows. Yeas - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 12,. Nays - None. Upon motion the Council adjourned. City Olerk.


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