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No Dog In Her House

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Persons witb dogs and other peta meet with a cold and elaroray reception m New York boaiding housos. Tliey ii;iy oceasionally steal iiito fasbionable !ats, where thé landloid or agent has no direct uaeansof cirbumyentingthem,' mt when it comes totho board irig house ;1iíjíl's are a liftlo more dffiiiite. &, nice looking ïaarried oouplo went nlio a Twanty-third street boarding lonse the other Aaj and vere maiio cnmlortable. After the first dinner the lady was observed scraping together some dainties trom the board to tako to heï room. The landlady, who is a woman of great decisión of character, hcard ol it, and her knock was shorlly af ierward lieard at the door of the new boarders. The lattor were immediately notificd that either they or tho dog ninst vaoata at once. "If I canuot keep my darling Xenophou,we'U move," protested the ownei of the dog, who practiced the principie of "Love me, love rny dog." "Thenyou'llhave to move, "said tha landlady flrnily. "I'm not keeping a dog kennel." "How in theworld theyevfir gotthat dog in here without my seeing it," said ehe, aitor tho obiioxious Xenopbon had beon disposcd of, "is more than I eau onderstand. I've had all I want of dogs. A gentleman used to keep a small but ferocious buildog in bis rooru where I once lived. He was the. ugliest brute 1 ever laid my eyes on - tbe dog, not tho man. That dog wouldn't let anybody but hia owner tamper with him. The Ban um) to Ing liim aronud with him everywhere ho went. Ono night, wheu the man oame in, he was feelii.g so o'jlivions to éartbJy thilijrs that ho Iele hia dog lockecl iu the vestibule. Tho next boarder who caine in got uo farther than the vestibule and landed clown the steps with : square yard of tro is ca missing. Ho was sooi) joined by qBof'.ior boarder, who wauted to come to bV i They rang the bell until several of d came down to see what was the raatter. Ou opening (he door the dog Bprang (or us as if ho badn't been fod for n week and wauted nuytliing that came haudy, but wa slanimed the door toagain just in time. As we could uot uwaken tho owuer wo had to leava the do there till morning, and out.side had to go to a hotel. In the luorning uverybody had to go and come by the servant's entranca j nntil the owner of the animal camo down and fiot us out of the flx. " "Wfaat did he say?" "Say! Why, he abusedus all as a set of brutes for keeping Jiis dog locked up there and gathered it up under his arm and took it np staiiB as if had beeu a piece of Dresdeu china! And the 1 ers who ftad beeu looked out left the honat' fov good the nextday. Wegotrid of tbe do},', but not until it had half depopulatcd the establishment."- Chinago Tribune. Knew His Hnnlmiw "Thnt's the seventh time this ruorning, " said the shoe mercbant as a customer left the .store, "that yon told me in a tone of voice fcbat oouldn't escape being overheard thut a wouian reniinded you of 'Trilby. ' " "Tes, " replied rhe new clerk, "and that's the seventh womaii that I'vesold a pair oí shoes to. "-


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News