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Delicate IIrvJT ül, woineo! SHOULD USE BRADFIELD'S Female Reooiatorj f Eyery ingrediënt possesses 8Uporj 1 Jome Properties, and erts a woader I ful mfluence m toning up and strengt enmgher8ystem by driving throu'l the proper channel all lnI ê Health and strength aro gua result from it3 use. My wife. who was bPdrldden for 01 u ft F.EUin.AToit for two month i .„.f"! g -J. M. JOHNSON. Malven,, Ark." C"l"B "íf Sold by all DrmtïtetB at Sl.oo per büttl g BRADHELD-S REGULATOR CO., Atlanta fij WALL PAPÉIS WALLiPAPER, OF ALL The Newest Desigr?. I PRICLS THE o LOWESï AT OSCAR 0. SOEG THE DECORATOR, 7O S. ÜVrJlST ST Fruit Trees! If you Jntend'to set out Peach Pear AddI, Fruit Trees of any kind, yru wi] Pave moi,.' bywrltlng to the Michigan nuksery n (WONROE, MICH. Tbpy havo 1 he I ",t an liardiest var etios tlus pari n{ the coumr Snnall Frults of All Kinds, and :i lam 3 ment nf the best and harrtiest BoseL E bery and Ornamental Trees and l'lums. THE ARtImaTEUB Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine ; (Theonly Art Periódica 1 awaiticl & WcdVl the World's Fa i i r -. Invnluablr, to all icfto wifh t malte tlr,ir lirlnahart or to makt home hmutiful ' FfïP lilr we win si'"(1 t0 any oiio a '"' IVI fl tion a specimen copy, with superb lul platos (lor copyilij? or framin(i ) and 8 .supplou.cntary paguuf dtsiünsiroiula PTteeSoo). Or fO se we will seiui alM "Iaimiiijf tor Besianers" f.n pugp.. MONTAGriB HAJIKü, 23 Uiiion Sqnare, N.Y. i ELECTRIC TELEPHONE EXli Sold outright, no rent, no royalty. AdaoW f il to City. VillaBe or Country. Needed in mu -ppocf home, shop, store and office. Greatest coima jT ience and beat geiler on earth. ÏÏ1 O! ' ec-nH make froin g5 to L50 pr iÍst, iLj_ijlj One in a residence means a saletonlltbw j t '"1 nei(?hborfl. Fine instrument, no toys, worb i jlanywhere. any distance. Complete, reaJy for I -W jase when shipped. Can be put up by anyofi, V : never out of order, no repairing, lat a lili j time. Wíirrnnted. A money mnker. Write 1 - & W. P. Harrison & Co , Clerk 10, Columbus. ü i j- p, ; ca =s ö II 2 ! irfi - ? in! i gS ji 5s g ■ j! a 1 1 rk SÍ h = 0 O ë ü ■ K 2 3 a á s í m W - tri - t 9 fl a il i I lili! Rlilï i SMBOLT'S BAKERT. &B0HT AND FLOUR AND FEED &TBÍ We keep consuinüv on li.ind BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For Wholeaaie or Retail Trade. We shail also keep a supplv of OSBOBNE' GOLD DUST FLOÜR. ï. iffi. Swift & Co.' Best White Wiei Flour, Bye Flour, Buckwhcat ïiour, Cora Meal, jed, &o., ftc, &c, it Wholesale ind Retail. A general stock o! ffROOEEIBS AND PÉOVISIOUS ronstintly on hand, which will be sold on M ■ onable terms as at any other house in the ritp. . tSTCash paid lor Butter, Egps, and Country Produce ííenerallv. tGoods Deiivcred to anv part of the city wi out exö-i diare'e. KinfiX & SeBDOlt NO. W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sigh, Osamesal m Fresco Pai, Kilding, caloimining, grlazlng .and paper hsWj ing. AU work is done In the best style u warranted to irlvo satlafaotion.


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