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Financial Vote In The Senate

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A movement was set on foot in tho senato to Beoure a vote on the flnanoial quistion in tho senate next week. The plan as proposed is to devote Monday and Tuesday to debate on the question, and to obtain nnaniinous consont to taking a vote at tho close of the day Tuesday. A largo number of senators have been soen by tlioso interesting thomselvcs in the moveineat, but the niot that can be said is thiit tho proposition has met vvith considerable favor. Thcre is some hcsitation on tho pari of the managers of the appropriatiou bilis to giue the necessary timo to the debato, and thore are scvornl senators who have not been seeu, some of whom may object. Re-presentí ti vu Hartman, of Montana, has introüuced a resolución iu the house, intcndcd to bring the matter of tho old idcxican silver law to the attention of the house and serve as an opening wedgo to the discussion ot' the qnestion. If uot reported froni a commicteo within sbc days the resolution will be privilegod and eau be callcd up at any timo. Ic calis on the secretary ot the treasury to inform tho house what proportion oí tho receipts oL the goyernment since Feb. 1, lSub, have bon paid in the ooins meatioued ia tho law and which provided fortlieir reception at the treasury. The law Hartman hus lmr up was passed iu 1857 nd siiys: "The pieces known as the quarter. elghth and sixtoenth of the Spunish dollar aud of the Mcxican dollar shall bc reoeivable at the treoaury o{ the United St:ites and ita sevcral offices and at sevoral postoftioes and land offices, at the rates of valuation followinsr: The fourth of dollar, or piece of tifo roals, at 20 couts; the eiphth of a dollar, or piece of one real, at 10 cents, and the elxtaenth of a dollar, or half real, at 6 cents." The soction following provides that t.hes8 coins shall not bo relssued from the truasury, but. shall bc bo rouoined into Unifced States coius. The law has never been repealed and silver men in congrega Hssert that it is po3si;ilo to sond ttioiaotal to Mnxico for ooinago, reiinport it into the Uu i tod States atid present it at the treasury. Theytwaert that the vaiidity of the law is boyond ijuestiou, and point, to fcbé statate regarreosed by tíecretary Carlisie which practlcally compel the trensury to rcilcfiin uational bank notos in gold as evidenoe that there are inoro intricacies in tlie monotary system thau havo beon realizad.


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