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Charged With Arson At Ypsilanti

Charged With Arson At Ypsilanti image
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Prestou AS', llosa Tuesday uinht complete a job oí detective work whicli. if it results in tus having aecuretl tíie rtght man should entítle hlm to be allowed to change hls name to Pinkerton W. Koss. Kor the past tlu-ee years there have been numerous íiroa on tiie cast side, whieli have been traced "ío an Incendiary orlgin, but thc autlioriiics have been baffled in Hndtng the crimina]. The Todd barn, tlie oíd ele vator. tbe okl ban'I sbop, Jirs. ftlarsb's barn, the house at the eonior of and Congres sts. and the Thompson coal sheds were nll sh on fire, and nobody eonld be found who did the deed. A certain persou happened to drop into Hose House Xo. 2. the other day and during the conversation the subject of these tires cauxe up. A slight intimation was dropped that Capt Grabara knew mncli tbom it, and the faet was reported'to Marshal Koss. He eomineneed to work on the case and for threo days bas been puinping the men. All he conld draw out, however, was that severa! times lbo bour men werf notified to be in "roadinesss tonight to do som? work." Xo direct evidence could be obtained Tuasday nlght xthm he ?ot bold of Chas. Walker, eominouly known as "Detective" Walker. IIo was taken into the city clerk's office and t]iiesUoned. At flrst he denied knowiag anything a bout the matter. ])ut. wben j told that the officers were solng tol arrest the whole company and htm inclnded he commencéd to cough up ' what be knew. The stoïy was quikly ! told aud reduced to wrlting. The jiffidavit was made out and is as follows: "On the night the Tomeroy house on Norris st., was set on flre and burned Aren iiarnson and Sam Graham, the captain of Hose Co. No. i', stated to the deponen t at Hose House No. 2, that there was going to be a fin that night and for dcponent and others to havo theinselves in roadiness to go to said fire. That the said Ilarrison and Graham started out together f rom said hose house and that on the same night the said Pomeroy house was burned Deponen t aJso says that thpre was an Understanding Bfetween the said Harrison, the said Graliam and yon f dcponent to set lire to old buildings in said city and that eaen one was to tako turn in sèttins tbs iircs to said old dwellings, ètc. That on tlu nighi the old stoiv hous Bear thu cattlo yard at the M. C. R. H. tracks., near the depot, was set od iirc the aid Graharu told deponent to set anw on : fire; that the said Graham would fur-j nish the city's oil for the purpose of! the nré; that he, Graham.! would put the oil in a bottle, placo the! bottle in the old exercise cart in the! rear of the hose house, where deponent could find it. That on said nigiit ! doixnent found a bottle oil i in said cart and carried samo tn snid I store house; that lio poured the oil on tho sill at thO northeast corner of the building and then set lire, to tho same with a lighted match. Doponent further says that said agreement as to setting fires was made and all the fires werc sot during the time doponrnt was a member of Hose Co. No. 2. "CHAS. M. WALKER. "Í5worn to and subscribed befoiv me Fob. 12, 1895. "JOHN P. KlltK, Notary Public." Graham ivas soon after arrested and placed in jail. The night of tlia Pomeroy house flre was Nov. 19, 1893, and the theory that the pólice have in this case is that Graham did the act in order to show how quick ho could set out, and bis accomplices wonld be rewarded by the fact that they were hour men and received 50 cents an hour for service at fires. uraiiam was seen by th Timos at the jail Wednesday morning and stoutly denies any siich implicatlon. Sairl he, "I don't ouly think it is a put up job on mo, but I know it. I ain entirely innocent On the night of the Pomeroy fire I was not Uiat side of Rivor sfc after 6 o'clock we were callecl lluro by the alarm." The examination of Captain Samuel G rabana on a charge of arson Woduesday boforc Justice Beecli. did not disclose tho convincins casa tliat liad been anticipatod by the prosecution. Walker was the only witnees wlio charged him dïreetly with crime, while the' other menibers of the company, with the possible exceptlon of Cook, did not substantiato Walker's statements in the slightest A great deal win depend onwhat Arehie Harrison will ti-stity to and as he is absent in Ohio', it is uncertain whetlier or not he will do nore to testify at all. Attomey. Brown, who appears for the defendant, foels confidemt that he can show all the circumstauces in a favorable liffht for his cliënt, and that tliere will be no trouble to prove him not guilty. Walker has not been arrested, as the pólice feel confident that hf will I mam in the city wihuT" : with legal papers. " hii At the examinatiou ci.,rk ; Walker stated substautialiy as i„ tf jaffldavitaSitappned „ Times a.d clamel ,he jSÍ?Í i ff tlit, liremen out lor practice J got old building 0lIt of tlj() waC'e I stated that the defeudant thf nest i ; aftar the Pomeroy flru sai(1 dL : and Harrison had done the deed ! Dennis court, another member W i tl,,, company was sworn and 8taJ ! that lic kuew nothinjï of :uiy ta„. T1 tween tho captain and m,n 1 j setting buildings on ih-, j Charles Harlow svvore, that lle h,,,,., Walker and Cook talk aboul ï, j weeks ajïo abont fires being set mi that they statccl there had been wl dirty work golng on. Tohn V. Cook swore that h hw the defendant talk with Walkw about the matter anl ti-iel to have him and set old buildings on ürc. Jl that he, had seen some oil that hart bíu placed in the exercise aart ï conple of times. Further, that Ue heard Graham say that the old Pomovoy building had got to biim ancl talk occurred tln-ee or days before the lire. The defemse did not offer any testimony and Justice Beach bonnd Gmham over to the circuit court in n„. siim of $500 ba il.-


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