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Pigeonholed Now

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WAbiUUGTON, Feb. X -The day's session of the senatu was nut vory uld when evsnts took such a turn as to ninke sure of the dlsposal of the sllvor question for the preseut session. Tlie resolution offered by Senator WolcoCt just before mljornraent Tuesday has gone to the calendar. Senator Jones mude n stutoment in the sonate thut the Ir.ends of zilver would not presa the silvcr bj 11. It ippeared after Wolcott's resolución was read tliat it would be allovrud to reacb a voto without creating de.lay, but bt-civine apparent oven before the session bégan yesterday that it would he nntagonized a persistently as the Joneá bilí. V ould Have Twlked It to Death. It was apparently as obnoxious to some o? the anti-silver raen as the other measure, and was besides not entire'y satisfactory to the silver Demócrata, henee the decisión to adopt the more direct way by allovcing the Jones bilí to be displaced without any eonditions. The anti-silver men had ezpected to proceed with speeches against the Wolcott resolution just as they has done against the Jones bilí. Hiü was prepared to read the entire volume of the coinage laws, and would have sought to amend the resolution so as to uiake it conformto his -ideas on the silver question. Wolcott stated that he did not expect to flml an opportunity to cali up his resolution again before adiournment. Chiii(II: r'g ignificant Speech. Chandler said a tew words on the reso'ution and what he said was lookod upon as significant and was followed with interest owing to tho prominent part Chandler has taken in sbaping the courpe of the Kcpublican sida of the chamber. He said: "In deferenoe to the prevailing opinión of Naw Kngland and because ie may be unwise to opon uur ov7i mints to the unlimite.l coinuge of sil ver, without concurrent action upon the part of other great natlons, I shall vote agaiust the pending resolution. But I vory much regret that I cannot also. now vote in favor of somo afirmativa measure in the direction of bimetallisin to promote which the Rcpublicau party is saeredly pledged. liold mononietallisin is our destiny if some aiHnnative action in another ilirec tion is not soon taken. The adoption of tho single gold standard heped to produce the pending calamity." Preilict an Kxtra Sbsioii. Again, when the Indian appropriation had been taken up, Chandler said he consiuered an extra sessiou inevitable. "I ain most hopeful," he said, "that the president wiü cali congress together in extra session - some time in April or May. It will no doubt assist in bringing back the Stability of the country to assemblo a Ropublican coi)rress. That congress will undoubtediy take up the Nicaragua canal project and pass a b.ll tor che building of the canal, not by a private Corporation but by tho United States. 1 believe tho next house ol representativos wi'l take steps to b inu abouc the certain and ultímate annexation of Hawaii. fteenis to Kuow the FroamiDuie. "Moreover, the next cougres.s will inaugúrate an investigación oL the recent purchase of gold by the president of the United States, 'ihe transaotion is ono of the most remarkable in our history. ïhe raies at which our bonds were sold involve a loss of iy,OU0,0U) to the people of tho United States. If ever a flnancial transacción ol an administratiou needed an investigation it is this gold purchase. ïhere appears to be moie below the suriace than the country is aware of. It is not a transaction that congress can allow to be uninvestigated. It is sure to be investigated by the next house of representatives. Itis iikely to be investigated by the senate."


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