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Farm And Garden

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Simply enttins and plastering pota! toos in advauce of planting will not seI cure satisfactory results. Since a large qnantity of seecl and labor are required ■ to produce a erop of potatoes, muoh paius should be taken to preparo tho gronnd aud cultívate it, liefere and after tho potatoes have grown, in the best ïnanner pos.iblo. Tho potato is a deep rooted plant, and tlicrofore the gronnd ebonld bo preparod doeply. The tubers are forjned above the seed. These two points shonld alwaya be keptprominent]y ia miiid, writesa Couutry Geiitloraan correspondent, whoadde; Italsolovesa moifit, cuol soil. This indioates that conservation of moistnre and ahade should bo secnred by cnltnre. The ground should be not only thoronghly anddeeply plowed, but máde fino. A most satisfactory way, where the gronnd íh open, is to f nrrow deeply with a doublé moldboard, as seen in the per paft of the figure. Cover the potatoes by reversing the furrows, as seen in the center of the figura After the potatoes have started a scantling or light piece of timber rnay be cbained orosswiso uenr the front of the harrow, and tworowsmay be planed down, assliown in the lcrwer part of the figure. Iu a few days the potatoes will be np aud will bo cntirely free from weeds. Tliis doublé plowing and fining and depositing of the clods and etonea in the raiddlo of tho rows result not only iu putting the ground in superior condition, but in saviñg a very larga amount of after culture. The most satisfactory rosults that tho writer ever reached have boen by this method.


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