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The Pasture Grasses

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Where one grass succeeds another will i not, and it is essential that we should ' have a great variety on hand. Our list is now quite extended, and if a farmer bas a pieoeof land that will not produce some of these varieties it must bo pretty poor land indeed. One of the greatest improveinunts needed in this country is a proper study of grass mixtures. Grass seeds of sevcral variotiesproperly mixed for each climate and soil givo better results than if ouly one varity be sown. Grasses that form the best mixtures so far in thia conntry are such as the meadow foxtail, tall oat grass, mendow fescue, tall fescue. All of these are imported grasses that have becomo perfectly and peraianently adaptad to this country. Added to them are the native I American and Cahadian grasses - Kentucky bluo, Canadian bluo, rtd top, orohard gruss and timothy. Lately tlio Italian and pereuuial rye grasses have been used largèly in mixtures in this country, giving great re&ults in mostiustancea. As the perennial will live through a mild winter and the Italian tbrough tbw sevarest winter, tho two grasses provo of special valne when mixed with less liardy varieties. Nearly all tho rye grasses are cbeaper, and the danger often is tomake the mixture oongist largely of thnse, very ofton to the detriment of the general erop. Another grass that is uow coming into vogue in this country as part of pasture mixtures is tho Anstrian brome grass. This has been used more largely in Canada and in the northwest, where it bas been fouud admirably adapted for pasturage on lande of light or moist descriptions. It produces a heavy, oarly erop and yields a good aftermath of sncculent, ieafy roots. Sofartbis grass has proved a valuabie acqnisition. But clovors should also enter into tho composition of nearly all grass mixtures, and we have now a list of fine clovers euföcient to cover every part of ine conuiry. xjiö most. snuaniu varicties are: Alsike, white or Dutch; trefoil, Ineen], orimson and red clover. Many of theso clovera are invalnable on pasture lanrïs, and oneis no louter conipeller! to feel if the commoa clüverdoes not succ.eed that it is useless to try any longer. Some of these varieties aro almost sure to take hold and yield a fair erop, preparing the way often for the other varieties. It is notwise to depend npou any specifle formula for mixiiifj; grass seed, bnt it is very evident that our pasttires could be greatly irnproverl if a more thorongh study wero made of the art of mixing. We must study the natnres of the different grasses and then adapt each to its locality. We have passeel thatperiod when a farmer shonld depend upon oue or two varieties ol grasses for his pastures. That is just the way to rnn out the grass permauently


Ann Arbor Argus
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