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jlJi JIJN 3Vi H JLü Pc AV E A I S.TRADt Ivi AKKsiJr : ■ P COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTA1N A PATENT? Fora j prompt answer and an honest opinión, write to ' MUNN fcCO.,whohavehadnearyfifty veara' experience in the patent business. CommunicationB Btrictly confldenttal. A Ilnnribook of Information concerning Pntents and how to obtain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechanica! and scientifle books sent free. Patenta taken throush Munn & Co. receive special noticein the Sci en tifie Ainericnm and tijus are brought widely beforethe public i ; out cost to the Inventor. Thts splendid paper, Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the larnest circulation of any scientifle work in the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, $Í50 a year. Single copies, í5 cents. Bvery number contains beautiiul platea, in colore, and photOKraphs of new houses, wlth plana, enabllng Dullders to Bhow the latest designs and secure contracta. Addresa MUNN L CO„ Nkw youk, 301 Broadway. Commissioners' Notice. TATh OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF i. WA8HTENAW The undersig-ned havintr bconap-lointcd hv the Probate Court for said Countv.Comnissionurs to receive, exnmine and adjust all claim ind 1 erna ruis of :ill persons fMfitinst the estáte 01 rariiel Donovan, ate ot" said Countv, deceased, ïereby givenoticethal síx uionths frnm dnie irc : owed, by order of táÚ Probate Court, for creditors ' :o present tlieir claims aarainst the estáte óf said de;eased, nnd thut thev will meet at the laterehidencfl af satd (1ece:iaed, in thfl townslupof Northfleid, in ííiid Countv. on tlie 22(ï duy of April and ou the j l'á dav of July next, at ten oVIoek a. m. ofeach ïf said ilavs, lo receive. examine and adjust said ;laims, Drtu-d. Januar 22 l1'", BERNARD MURPY, KuWAKD CAÍÍILL. t'nmmissioners. Estáte ot Ellen O'Hara. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, CÜÜNTYj O dl W'uHhtpnaw, es. At a Sfssion ol' the Probate Court Tor th Omnty of Wnshtennw, holdtn at the V'rohate Ollics in tiie City of Aiïd Arhor, on ' X Ksil.iy, the v2d day oí Jtinuary, in the year ouc thntisarili'ivht Imndred and nicty-five. Present. J.Willtird Wnbbftt. Juiige of Prohnte. In tbc mntter of the estáte of Ellen O'Hara, decpased. Onreadlngand fllinerthe petition duly vertfied of Ellen Walsli, inr that the administratiiin of said estale muy be granted to J:iIlle Wals'i, or eaxne othtr Btiltabl peison. Tbereupon it ia ordtri'it. tbai Monday, tbe j i8th ipy of Fiibruary next. at. ten o'clock ! in the forenoon, he aspienen for tbe hearing of saio petition, and that the heirs at law of piud deci'ased and all ot.her persons uu n stot' in safd fstatt1. ure required to appear at p. nettsioii "f tñíMJuiírt, tb-?n to Ve holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and ihow daupe, if any the"e be, why Lheprayeroi the p titioier Bboult] notbe granted: And ii is rurthor orOero'l . tb. il iid petitioner give to the persons intereated in isaid estáte of the pendency of siiiii peiit ion, and the hearins thereof, hvcausinlg a copy of this order to he published in the Ann Aiïbor Annxj, a newspaper pnnted and circulated in aaid County, three auocessiTe a-ek-s previous to sdid day of hl:irine. J. WILI-AHD BABBITT, [A true copv] Judg-e of Probate. Wili,im G. rOTY, Probate Reeister Estáte of Ariel H. Fillmore. CTAÏK OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF 5 Washteuaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court lor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate OMice in the Citv of Ann Arbor, on Monday. the 28th day of January, in the year one thousand eigbt hundred and ntnety-Bvo. Present. J.WiUard Dabbitt, Judue of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Ariel H. Fillniore, deceased Catheriúe M. Fillmore. exectitrix of the last will and testament "f said deceíused, comes into court and representa that she is noiv prepaied to render her animal account as eucli execuu-ix. Thereupon it is ordered that Jlonday. the ;J5! h day of February ne.xt, at 10 o'clock in the forenoón, he assipned for exaininintr and' allowinjr such account, and that the deviiccs, legateea and hc rs-at-law rtf aaid deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, tben be to holden at the Probate Oflice, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show uause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered that said executrix grive notice to the persona interested in said estáte, of the peudency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Argrus, a newspaper printcd and circulatintr in snid county, tbree successive weeks previous lo said day of hoarlnsr. J. WTLLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. A truocopy.1 Wm.G. Doiy. Probate Reirister. Estáte of Mary Lyman STATE OF MICHIGAN, COtTNTY ol Wnsbtenaw, as. Ata sesoionof the Probate Court for thrCounty of Washleniiw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Alm Arbor, on Frlday, the eigktn day of ebruary, in the year one thou8an4 eight hundred and Linety-five. Present, J. Willard Balbilt, Judge of Probate. Ip the matter of the estáte or ilary Lyman, deceased. James H. Lyman, tlieadminisir.itorof said est 'i te, comee luto court und represent that he is now preoared tó rendcr bis linal aecount na sucü adrninistraor. Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesiay, the twelfth day ot Maren iiext, it ten o'clock in the foreuöon, be iiasined for examiniiif: and allowiu; sticli account, and that the heirs ttt l,iw of said deeeased, and alJ otber persons interested in 8ald iiiU'. are requiipd loeppearataseBfion of aaid court, then to be boldeD at the Probate office, in the city of Anti Arbor, in snid county,and show cause, ifany there be, wby tlie sílid account shoukl not be allowed: And it is turtlier ordered, that said administrator tiivc notice to the pers"ns intertsted in said estáte ol' the pendency of said aicount, aU't tlie hearing thereol, hy causing a copy of thwoider to bc publiehed in tht Ann Arbor Aiígun,k newspaper pnnted and circulating in said couiity, tliree succesRive weeks previous to snid dv i)l hearing. J WILLAlfU BABBITT, ( truc copy. ) Judc of Probate . Wii.liam 'Dotv. Proli.ite Keicister. f nlib FAGE 3LEACH f MME. A. RUPPERT eays: "lupprecfate thexoot Jfti taat tbere are mnny tliouzïïa BandsofladiesIntbeUuited Qm Stütes tb i twouldliketo try qg loy World-üenowred Kacü aS Bleacii: but have been JiJ r kept from doing so on ac. : countdf piiccwhioh s$2.00 WZ per botUuor 3 boules taken W&l together, SS. 00. In order that all of tbese mayhaTe W1 anopportunity.I willglva w' to every caller, alwolntely free, a sample bottle, in-I ?3i, C gVí0'il'Ordertosupplythoseout "Cií-iíJ= of dty.or in nny partof the world.lwlllsend ltsafely packedin plalnwrapper allchan-'os prepaid, for 25 cents, silveror stamp." In every casocf frcekle, pimples. nioth, BalJowness.blackheads, acné, eczema, ollinees.roughness, or ory dificoloration or dlseaseof the skin, and wrlnkles (not caused by facial expresslon) 'ach Elkach removes abfolut?ly. Xt does not cover up, as cosmetics do, but is acure. Addresa HAVAHE A. KTJPPERT,(Dppt.O.) No. 6 East I4th St„ NEW YORK CITY.


Ann Arbor Argus
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