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Only A Week More

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Washington, B"eb. 25. - Todayfche house entored upon the last werk of lts gession, and the usual rush which characterlzes the olosintc hours of cvcry scssion oL coiiHns bas bogun. Under tho rules the last six d.iys oL overy fecssion are suspension days, and members recögnized may cali up bilis and have; thetn actod on under suspension of the rules. There are 331 public bilis on the calendar, wíl" ut which must be considered in eommitteo of the wholc and 114 are on the regular calendar. In addition to ilu-sa there aro over 5M0 bilis on the private calendar. Of oourse only a very ingigniticant percentage of these bilis can be pttsaed, but the pross tor precedence is terriüc and many exciting scènes are almost sure to oceur. Loug 8eioo ín Prospect Sat u i tl-.iy. It is quite probable that severa! uight hcssions will be tii'ld, and it is almost eortain that congress will reinalu ín 0011tinuous session from Saturday until Monday nezt, 011 which day oosgress expires by liinitation at noirn. The regular appropriation bilis are unusuully woll advaneed so far as the house is concerned, only one (the dolicieney) beinpr unacted upon, and it will go to the senate today. The two which are considered dangerous - that' is liable to fail or be vetoed - are tho sundry civil and the diplomatic and consular. To the fortner the seniite comïnlttue on financo has reportod ao amondment to issue 3 per cent. coin certiiieates, with a provisioa requiring the secretary oí tho treasury to advertise for bids in case of auother boud issue. To the diplomatic and consular the sen.ite has added the umendment for the Hawaiian cable. i'i sultnti;! 1 Veto a Probilhility. If these provisions prevail despite the protest of the house it is thought that President Cleveland may veto them. The coiniuittee on Pacific railroads is pressing for an opportunity to secure a vote on the iunding bill as amended, and the committee on public buildings is cqually insistent upon its demand for a chanco to settle the question of the printing office site, which has been hanging lire for several yearü. It is probable that the committee on rules will give both time durlng the coming weck, in case opportunity offers. As a whole the week promises to be both interesting and exciting.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News