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Washington, Fel. L8 - Aftor working unii! midnight the senators were slow 'n arriving to-day and only a dozen veré on hand when consideraron of the üiindry civil bilí was resumed. An amendment granting Henry Talbot, clerk of the house ways and means eommittee, $2,000 for assisting the senito flnanfe committee in its tariff work ast fall was agreed to. An amendment was agreed to appropriating $2.r,000 for a hospital at South Meado. S. D.. te take the place of the one recentl burned. This den red the way for the long-lmpending cotltest over the financial amendment to the sundry civil bilí. It is at the close of the bilí and provides an issue of $100,000,000 oC certificates of indebtedness of small denominations, bearlng 3 per cent interest, in order to meet deficiencies In the treasury. "I make a point of order against this financial amendment on the ground that It is general legislation," said Mr. Berry (deun., Ark.). Mr. Hill (dem.. N. T.) offered a finther amendment that hereaiter all the ïreasury notes whrn presented to the treasury shall not be reissued, but shall be canceled. Mr. Hill sought to apeak in explanation of his amendment, but Mr. Mills insisted on the rule and an immediate decisión on the polnt of order. Mr. Hill continued speaktng, but was interrupted wlth frequent suggestions that debate was out of order. There was considerable disorder and the vice-presIdent flnally requested the sergeant-atarms to see that order was preserved. The vice-preident was about to de' cid the point of order and had begun the first sentence, when Mr. Mills interrupted : "Does the chair decline to submit tho questlon to the senate? It is not only customRry but it is the rule that questions of order shall be submitted to the wnate." The preeiding offleer paused in bis decisión. Then he sald: "In view of the remark of the senatoi from Texas, the question viv. ne submitted to the senate." He then directed a roll-call and again called on the sergeant-at-arms to maintain order. By a singular parliamentary situation the order for the vote made tfie amendment subject to debate, and Mr. Gorman aeldressed the senate. He said that it bad become evident that there was to be no financial relief uness it was made a part of an appropriation bill. Mr. Wolc-ott here interrupted wlth the query: "Has the secretary of the treasury notifien ihe senate that he does not want such legislation as this?" "That is the whole question," reKponded Mr. Gorman, "and if the senator wfll permit me I will, in my ovvn crude way, present the question of the secretary's necessities." "Is the treasury in such condilion th:it it can provide for the wants of the govBrnment?" asked Mr. Gorman. "Are the revenues now comliiK in suffieient to meet tfc" expenditures and the npprcipriations .,■ are making? ir uur aotnal expendilures are greater Lh;in our reseipts we can not afford to adjourn, until we meet this emergeney unless oongress wants more bonds sol to meet our obligations." The speaker laid before the house today the President's veto of the hill to pension Kunice Putnam. Mr. Cockrell of Texas moved ermcurrence in the senate amendment to tha joint resolution prohibftlng the impnrtution of goods in bond from the l.'nited States through the free zone of Mexico. Mr. Craln of Texas vigorously opposed Doncunence In the amendment. whtch struck out the provisión limifinfr the prohibltlon io any polnt between the western boundary of the city of Iatedo, Texas, and the Pacific coast. This amendment. he declared, would in effect prohibit the mportation of goods tnrough the United States into Mexico unless the latter country abolished the free zone.


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