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Do not neglect to attend the reduction sale of furniture at Martin Haller's. Furnish your parlors while you can buy parlor furniture cheap. Every article in the store is reduced. Come and convince yourself. If the Baby Is Teeth De sure and uso that oíd and well-tríed remedy, Mr. Winsi.ow's Soothing Sykii" Coi children teethlng It soothes tfae child. softens the uuuis, allaya all puin, curts mi collc and s the best remedy for dlarrbcea. Twenty-flve cents a botüe Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away." The tiuthful, start] ing iltle of u book aboui N(i-tn ii;i.'. the only barmless, guaranteed tobáceo nabíl cure. I f yon want to qult and oan't, use "No-to-bac." Braoes upDlcottnized □erres, eliminatea nicotine polsons, tuaket weak men ain gtrengtb, weighi and rigor. Positiye cure or tnoney refunded. Sold by 11 J. lirown, drugfflst. Book at druirgist, or mailed free. Addresf The 8terlí k Remedy Co., Chicago office 45 tt&ndolph St. : New Vork, 10 Spruce St. Estáte ot Elljah W. Morgan. CT ATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY J()f Atasession ofthe Probate Ciurt forthe Couoty of Washtenaw, holden u the Probate Office id the city of Aun Arbor, o Friday, tbc lst day of Man h, in the yeai one thousand eight hundrpd and ninety-tive. Preseut, J. Willnrd Buhhitt, Jude of Probate. In the matten of theestate ot Elijall V. Morgan, Lc-ompeteut. LucyD. S. Parker, eoutrix ol tlie last -will and testaim-nt oí Franklin L. 1 ;uker, tltcenr-t'1!, lattly guaxdian ot said Morgan, incompetent, comes into court aud iepreenis that she ia now prepured to vender the fïnal account ot sui'l FraiikLiri L. Parker as such guardián. Thercupon it is oidercd, that Monday, Ihc 2Jtb day of Marcb, irmant, at ten o'clock in the forO' noon, be assigned for exintinin und allowin bnol aceount.and that the aext olkirjofsuid v.;rd ani all otherpereonBinterested in said -■state, Hre rtquired toappearat asession of said Court, thei to be holden at the Pru bate office, in Ihc City oi Aun Albor, in saicl county, and show cause, Tan; there tte,whvthesaidaccountshould not lieallowed And it is further erdered, that said irusrdiai] ifive notice to the persons merested in said estáte, ol' tbe pendency of said account, and the htaiing thereof, liv catising; a copy of this order to be publislied in the Ann Arbor Argns", a newspapei printed aud circulatir.g in said eotípty tbree milcftSbiTc weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLAliD BABIIITT, [A trueonpy] Judgeoi l'robav V. u. Uotï, Probate Rexister. Estáte ot Henry Clements. STATE OF MICHTGAN. County ot Wasb tenaw, ss. At a session of the Probati fon il lor the County of Washtenaw, holden :r tbe Probate nfflce In the city of Ann Arbor on Friday. tlie lst day of Maren, in the viai onetbou and ejeht hundred and uinety-nve. Present, J. WlUard Babbltt, Judgeof l'io bate. In the matter of the estáte of Henry Clem entó, deceaaed. Ellen Clements, executri; of the Last will and testament of said deceaged comes into court and represen ts that hi it now pieparrd to ronder lier hn:tl account a: such executrix. Tbereupon It i ordcred that Tuesday. thi (ith day of March. instant, at 10 o'clock ii the forenoon lie assigncd for examlningant allowing such account, and that the devisees leñatees, and beirs at lawoi said diceased, an( all other persons interested in said estáte, ar roquired to appear at a sessionol said Court then to be bolden at the Probate Office, n t b city of Ann Arbor, in 8aid County. and shov cause, if niiy there be, why the said aeeonu should not be allowed: And it is fnrthe ordered that said e.vccutri.i rive notice totlu persona interested In said eotate, of the pen dency of said account, and tbe hearing there of, by a copy of this order to lïe pub llshed in the Ann Arbor Argug, a DewspapeJ printed and ciroulatlng in said county, threi Buccesslve weeks previous to said day of beur .1. WILLAKD HABBITT, [A truecopy.] Judge of Probate (j. Doty, Probate KeBister.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News